
Does you like [GSF]Ghost 's player model?


Author Topic: Furling's new game in the future.  (Read 7906 times)

I make the player character model for my own game in the future.
Player shoulder (View in 3D)

Next I will make the model of hands, hip and shoes.
I am not sure if you like these the models or not, let me know.

This top stud is winner! I am using it in my model, not in play Blockland game with the brick and print image.

[GSF]Ghost made the player model.
Hey Furling, this is closer to what I was thinking for the player model and brick studs. Let me know what you think - it's based off those posable art-mannequins.

I let you guys vote for [GSF]Ghost 's player model.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2014, 12:57:51 AM by Furling² »

Will it be called...cubeland?

Will it be called...cubeland?
Nope, It will be call Bloxland.
[Remove the image]
« Last Edit: June 06, 2014, 12:59:29 PM by Furling² »

put a blow up doll face as the face decal

Slightly rounded blockland

Will it have voice chat?

Is Kalphiter one of the co-producers?

can i have an imporatant part in it
or an easter egg

hope this goes well for you furling, you're a pretty cool guy

Is Kalphiter one of the co-producers?
the return of the scary turkey

hope this goes well for you furling, you're a pretty cool guy
kick blockland in the teeth
I bet this is a joke.
i bet
a joke