Author Topic: Website Asking For Key Going Around  (Read 8998 times)

forget you preview button
Anyway the only reason you have to post this is to defend him, a stupid ass thing to do or you legitimately think that Spencer didn't do it in which case you are handicapped
Or that he IS Spencer?

Or that he IS Spencer?
I doubt it, I don't think Spencer has enough time on his hands to fake a steam account and buy a bunch of games. Unless you mean he stole his blf account which he might have

i just entered "hi" in the key box lol

We could totally get badspot to create a few fake keys that automatically trace the person who enters them into the game, and put those through these sites.

It might be illegal, but it would work.

pffffff if you enter the key on that site you deserve it getting stolen.

We could totally get badspot to create a few fake keys that automatically trace the person who enters them into the game, and put those through these sites.

It might be illegal, but it would work.
How is creating a fake key for your own game illegal?

Uh, no, it's not.
That'd be guessing an extremely long key that he probably didn't even get the first few characters of right(part of how the BL keys work, if I remember right. They use a certain few characters at the start of every key and probably will until we reach, what, 1 million keys or something?)
Bricki's 24k started with aaz and my 36k started with abd so I guess it does

OK,some of you MAY believe me,and some of you won't but this isn't actually the Spencer you think he is, I am actually his steam friend now I know hes done something like this before but this time it was a fake,he was playing tf2 then when he decided to play blockland and his account was deleted,he hasn't even played it yet right after buying it,well maybe he did but I doubt he did this again and you guys probably haven't seen much links from this stealing account until today and the reason why you haven't seen much is because I stopped him. but he reacted very quickly after playing tf2 and then moving on blockland. but it is a fake because the REAL Spencer makes things legit,like "We are testing something new for blockland keys" or some other stupid crap but this time a fake person whos trying to act like Spencer said blockland gold, which no one would believe but that is all I have to say for right now and im praying not to get banned for some odd reason.

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fine use of a key

OK,some of you MAY believe me,and some of you won't but this isn't actually the Spencer you think he is, I am actually his steam friend now I know hes done something like this before but this time it was a fake,he was playing tf2 then when he decided to play blockland and his account was deleted,he hasn't even played it yet right after buying it,well maybe he did but I doubt he did this again and you guys probably haven't seen much links from this stealing account until today and the reason why you haven't seen much is because I stopped him. but he reacted very quickly after playing tf2 and then moving on blockland. but it is a fake because the REAL Spencer makes things legit,like "We are testing something new for blockland keys" or some other stupid crap but this time a fake person whos trying to act like Spencer said blockland gold, which no one would believe but that is all I have to say for right now and im praying not to get banned for some odd reason.

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that has to be the largest  run-on sentence i've ever seen, holy stuff

45761 is apparently an alt of Crome, ID 29897, unless he sold it to someone else.
That's not my alt. I don't phish for keys as well, Storm Surge had some involvement in this, though. Check the other topic.

i dont get the scam. hes got a bl ID right?
does he have 100 friends he needs to hookup or something?

i dont get the scam. hes got a bl ID right?
does he have 100 friends he needs to hookup or something?
bisjac, asking the most important questions since 1932

i dont get the scam. hes got a bl ID right?
does he have 100 friends he needs to hookup or something?
Probably trying to find keys not tied to a forum account yet, or perhaps just being a lil' stuff.

How is creating a fake key for your own game illegal?

It wouldn't be the fake key, but what it does that might be illegal.