
What cars should I do next?

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Author Topic: TheTurtorn's vehicle topic - bullrout drag, p.22  (Read 69529 times)

Well um I kinda lost motivation to work on vehicles (Don't worry I just need a small break) and been mostly just either playing games/doing other stuff/doing other RL stuff/stuff or trying to figure out my exporter problems and this kinda needs a bump so I'll guess I'll post something I've been working on few days ago, *khem*, presenting Bengs Gunloader

Based on Mercedes-Benz G63 AMG (Yes ofcource I will make the 6x6 variant)

Well um I kinda lost motivation to work on vehicles (Don't worry I just need a small break) and been mostly just either playing games/doing other stuff/doing other RL stuff/stuff or trying to figure out my exporter problems and this kinda needs a bump so I'll guess I'll post something I've been working on few days ago, *khem*, presenting Bengs Gunloader


Based on Mercedes-Benz G63 AMG (Yes ofcource I will make the 6x6 variant)
That. Looks. Beautiful.

Bengs Gunloader
this sounds like a vehicle from GTA
(Yes ofcource I will make the 6x6 variant)

I love driving the Dubsta 6x6 in GTA 5
Now I will be able to destroy people in blockland with it!

Yay more Mercedes! You even used the Bengs name, but one suggestion. If you use the Bengs name, you should also use the Bengs logo rather than the real Mercedes logo.

Yay more Mercedes! You even used the Bengs name, but one suggestion. If you use the Bengs name, you should also use the Bengs logo rather than the real Mercedes logo.
What was the Bengs logo? 4 instead of 3 spokes?

What was the Bengs logo? 4 instead of 3 spokes?
Yes, just look at the front of the Bengs 190 and you'll see it.

I love driving the Dubsta 6x6 in GTA 5
Now I will be able to destroy people in blockland with it!
talking about gta5 'gunloader' reminds me of the duneloader and ratloader

Yes, just look at the front of the Bengs 190 and you'll see it.
I love driving the Dubsta 6x6 in GTA 5
Now I will be able to destroy people in blockland with it!
Well if you won't hit a wall/streetlight/whatever else which would send you flying, sure, you'll be able to do that ;)

Updated OP, also be sure to check out my music loops thread which I'll update from time to time.

Added a poll, also added 26 new loops (!) to my music loops thread.

Nice, Any progress on the 6x6?

Nice, Any progress on the 6x6?

I am pretty sure if there was progress on the 6x6, Turtorn would have notified us of it :/ Be patient guys..

I am pretty sure if there was progress on the 6x6, Turtorn would have notified us of it :/ Be patient guys..
Yeah I'm usually not the one for hiding progress
Nice, Any progress on the 6x6?
I'll finish modeling the stock variant, get it in-game and then move on to 6x6

Seems like I'm the only one who likes black lines
Yeah I'm going for the 2nd option