Author Topic: Videos to watch in the dark  (Read 2229 times)

Still not as scary as scary stories to tell in the dark

inb4 rubber johnny

the creepy episode on vsauce

i almost did an all nighter before my eyes shut down i was so scared

why invisible
why you do this to me

i was going to post a youtube video of someone saying "turn on the lights" but all i got was turn on the lights by lil wayne
lil wayne once again thwarts my efforts to be excessively literal

This and

Watching late at night wont really 'scare' you, but you'll get that creepy paranoid feeling like you're being watched...

the creepy episode on vsauce

i almost did an all nighter before my eyes shut down i was so scared

That video freaked me out, luckily I watched it during the day.

This and

Watching late at night wont really 'scare' you, but you'll get that creepy paranoid feeling like you're being watched...
What kind of stuff did you just put me through.
I already knew about the brain-eating virus at Disney world.
But holy stuff that was a ride.

none of these even scare me and i have the lights off

none of these even scare me and i have the lights off
seotr pls

i bet u r shakng and corwering in rl rigt now

This movie was epic, here is a disturbing scene from it:
{Link Removed}

If that wasn't disturbing, there is a more disturbing scene from it, dunno if I'll post it though, might make people barf on their keyboards.

Changed my mind, probably too disturbing :/

This and

Watching late at night wont really 'scare' you, but you'll get that creepy paranoid feeling like you're being watched...

Got the same feeling
« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 11:34:12 PM by Doom Mantis »