Author Topic: Streaming with Rotondo [OFFLINE]  (Read 2154 times)


  • Administrator
Streamin' like people care:

Now playing Battle Block Theater
« Last Edit: June 27, 2014, 03:16:05 AM by Badspot »

Can't wait to see the fun parts

"I got stabbed" - rotondo 2014

Went offline the second I connected :(


  • Administrator
Conclusion: fun game, netcode's forgeted

Aw not going to play another game?

Block8437: will you stream HTRS
 Odnotor: yes

HTRS confirmed

-Badspot makes a topic-


Oh, I'm late it seems.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2014, 12:07:18 AM by Doom Mantis »

Also baddy can you put together that video on how much SR3's client/server coding sucks?

Block8437: will you stream HTRS
 Odnotor: yes

HTRS confirmed
What's htrs?

Bumping this because we're going to stream tonight, badspot will probably be online in like 30 minutes until then I'm going to play some sf4 on stream.

would watch


gotta masturbate