Author Topic: First operating system you ever used  (Read 8347 times)

Windows 98.

And I still use it.

Windows ME
edit: oh stuff im still on page 1
how old is this thread

Windows NT

Get on my level


Ontopic : XP

maybe windows 2000, when I was really young (like 2) my parents just sat me infront of it and I started  pressing random keys.
Then I had my XP computer.

Um, I wanna say it was windows XP.

Either Windows XP or OS X Tiger, probably XP.

Windows 98. I remember when my dad got windows me, damn computer froze all the time. He reverted back to 98 and then we got new computers around 2003-2004 with windows XP. Now I have Windows 7
« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 08:41:38 PM by Harm94 »