Author Topic: Blockland Community getting more tribal?  (Read 3425 times)

Tabbo what are you trying to do here, there's no point arguing over this and you both are right

Yes, you're criticizing my use of the term shock value when there's nothing wrong with the way I'm using it. Are you reading mine?
it's just become a goofy running joke that nobody takes seriously
Not shock value. Comedy. It isn't complicated.

Yeah, shock comedy, right?

It's funny because it's rude and offensive. Because it has shock value. It isn't complicated, it's really just semantics actually.

For years these forums have been the go-to for racism.

So generally nothing's changed except for maybe a few individuals who were involved toning down on the insults.

Also, loving shock comedy?

I loving hate tribals

at my server, just 1 swastika or kool kids klub symbol could get you perma'd

Also, loving shock comedy?

What the forget else could it be? Do you really honestly believe that the 13-16 year old majority of this player-base are actual neo national socialist's? This forum is hardly tribal. People get attacked and chewed out for being tribal here and often banned. Unless you take the word 'monday' as tribal in which case you're probably just easily offended over nothing.

What the forget else could it be? Do you really honestly believe that the 13-16 year old majority of this player-base are actual neo national socialist's? This forum is hardly tribal. People get attacked and chewed out for being tribal here and often banned. Unless you take the word 'monday' as tribal in which case you're probably just easily offended over nothing.

Well, shock comedy doesn't feel like the right terminology for the basis of what happens here. However, I suppose it does exist, it's just dependent on the scenario.

If some guy just gleefully and randomly shouts "mondayS!" then maybe it gets a little giggle here and there (I myself am guilty as I watch rage videos of gamers yelling racism into their mics barbarically).  However, if tribal terms are used in attempt to offend someone while also trying to make others laugh, guess what? Still offensive.  If you intend to spew racism for the wrong comedic reason, that's the exact same as spewing it out of empty rage and reason.

So yeah, I guess there is some comedy in just random outburst or deserved insult, but racism is still racism.

What's up with the talk of shock value?

OH stuff SON

Don't worry OP, the offensive words and legos aren't going to jump out of the computer screen and hurt you.

quit being so sensitive about it. you were taught as a child to take offense to certain things, even just undesirable things that are not being overtly offensive.

shame on you for being a tool.

i see the hammer/sickle used everywhere in an ironic way. communists were far more dangerous historically, then any national socialist was. or at least accomplished far more as an enemy.

yet everyone just high fives over the symbolism today.

quit trying to be offended.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2014, 02:23:21 PM by Bisjac »

OH stuff SON


The internet is going to be tribal for as long as it is around

everyone is a tribal and those who deny it are the biggest ones

They are joking/trolling. I doubt they are actually tribal irl

This seems to be an attitude that a lot of people on the internet share, but it seems to me that it's total bullstuff.

First of all, people constantly act like immature starfishs and pawn it off as "trolling." That's not a valid justification. It doesn't make richardish behavior acceptable. Most of the time it's not particularly funny or shocking either, it's just this internet-wide circlejerk of "lol Riddler did nothing wrong" and "haha mondays" perpetuated by a bunch of kids and cave-dwelling starfishs. There's a point when offensive comedy steps over from cleverly insulting humor, and instead just becomes blatant racism and loveism and so on. But I digress; the point is these people aren't excused because they're trolls, they're just starfishs.

With regards to them not being tribal in real life, I find that people who "pretend" to be tribal are actually just tribal. If you act like an idiot all the time, you'll quickly cross the line from pretending to being.