Author Topic: ██ Use encryption? NSA says you might be a terrorist! Warrantless searches! ██  (Read 8650 times)

Hey, at least I'm able to use the internet without being scared what I do will be used against me by the big bad government.
So? I may not have anything to hide, but I don't want someone just barging into my house and searching through all my stuff without my permission. I know I'm not doing anything illegal, but stay the forget away. Doing this in real life requires a search warrant, the same should apply to the Internet.

Corruption has never happened before, right? Right?

Ignorance is bliss.
Well, the day I'm extradited to the US on terrorist charges you can feel free to say "I told you so".

So? I may not have anything to hide, but I don't want someone just barging into my house and searching through all my stuff without my permission. I know I'm not doing anything illegal, but stay the forget away.
I've never had this happen before either, because I'm not a criminal.

you're basically letting them do this just by using the internet.

So? I may not have anything to hide, but I don't want someone just barging into my house and searching through all my stuff without my permission. I know I'm not doing anything illegal, but stay the forget away. Doing this in real life requires a search warrant, the same should apply to the Internet.
Terrorists take advantage of cryptography, so the NSA has to take serious measures to find a good portion of them. Criminals are smart nowadays. Not saying it makes it right but I think you'd rather have your stuff looked through than have your family blown to pieces.

I've never had this happen before either, because I'm not a criminal.
You're proving my point. It never happens in real life, so it should never happen online.

I didn't vote for them

(keep in mind dooble is from the uk so he doesnt know murican ways)

You're proving my point. It never happens in real life, so it should never happen online.
What makes you think the internet, an international 'area' open to all, is the same as your privately owned abode?

If I went into the street and sprayed graffiti everywhere detailing my name, address, spending habits, interests and interactions with others, and a policeman came and looked at it, you'd call me ridiculous if I got angry that the policeman has looked at it or written it down, because it was in public.
But if the policeman saw the graffiti detailing the plans of a criminal about to commit arson or a shooting or a bombing, and he stopped that man because he had loojed at his graffiti, no one would be complaining.

And should a police officer come into my house with a warrant and seacrch the place, they'd have had reasonable suspicion to believe I was up to something allowing them in to my private home. But if the courtthen found I was Iinnocent of what I was charged with the police wouldn't be using my innocent information from my house against me, because they have better things to do.

because the article is from a website that probably isn't even real and makes most of their articles for attention, since targetting the nsa is an easy way to get attention
jesus christ, not all articles are real. I'm not saying collecting information is a good way to keep the internet safe, but I'm saying this happened before the nsa was a public issueI'm not saying its not, but I think the article is fake. What has the nsa even done to people? Collecting information? What have they done with it? Why would they care what research you look at?
Thats the site that 'is tinfoil' this topic is just people discussing it.

aw hell i better clear my search history before they find out about me looking up BANANAS

aw hell i better clear my search history before they find out about me looking up BANANAS
BANANAS?! You sick man!

The thing that concerns me most about the whole NSA thing is that, if successful, it will prevent most people from doing illegal things which they would not normally do unless they feel they can get away with it. This will lead to a reduction of illegal acts detected and prevented by the system and will inevitably lead to the NSA receiving a huge-ass budget cut because governments don't like spending money on things that don't show them big numbers every quarter to justify the cost. The result would be equivalent to shaking up a can of coke and then opening it, suddenly all the suppressed deviancy will explode forth and stuff will get pretty damn bad until the government decides that they need to do something about it by which time they might not even be able to do anything about it.

Pretty far off and pretty theoretical but that's what I feel would probably happen at some point.

because the article is from a website that probably isn't even real and makes most of their articles for attention, since targetting the nsa is an easy way to get attention
jesus christ, not all articles are real. I'm not saying collecting information is a good way to keep the internet safe, but I'm saying this happened before the nsa was a public issue
what the forget
this article is written by people who work for tor.

what the forget
this article is written by people who work for tor.
I never heard of that site though