Author Topic: BLF Team Fortress 2 Highlander Event - it went okay  (Read 12662 times)

Can I be red snooper pls? I can pm a link to my steam profile if needed. Sniper is literally my main role
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The Steam's in-built chat always was miserable to use for anything other than messing around.

Sure, it's convenient, but that's about where the pro's of it end.

It's also very prone to lag, have horrible quality, and tends to break the overlay (not sure if that one's just me, or not). That's with like 3 different people. Imagine 6 more.

EDIT: Oh, and the part where "It's on steam servers, so we don't need a server for it like we do in Mumble!" Well, I've had my mumble up and running for like a year now, so it isn't like I rented it just for this. In other words, this isn't even a problem.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 01:16:41 PM by cooldawson3 »

any redbros wanna do some thing

anyone who says mumble is a bad chat service hasn't used it enough

any redbros wanna do some thing
i'm up for practice whenever

me and rigel went pubbing for a bit, PL maps
i'm still up for doing it, just join the mumble

This was the result of me vs zombiedude

i'd be interested in joining something but got no mic so
i'd still join the mumble server n that tho

whoops wrong thread
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 05:14:50 PM by Jairo »

i'd be interested in joining something but got no mic so
i'd still join the mumble server n that tho
you dont need a mic, you just need to be able to hear what other people are saying

Team: Red
Steam ID:
TF2 Hours Played: 174

Team: Either, don't mind
Class: Pyro
Steam ID:
TF2 Hours Played: 383

The Steam's in-built chat always was miserable to use for anything other than messing around.
Sure, it's convenient, but that's about where the pro's of it end.
It's also very prone to lag, have horrible quality, and tends to break the overlay (not sure if that one's just me, or not). That's with like 3 different people. Imagine 6 more.
EDIT: Oh, and the part where "It's on steam servers, so we don't need a server for it like we do in Mumble!" Well, I've had my mumble up and running for like a year now, so it isn't like I rented it just for this. In other words, this isn't even a problem.
Why are you using Steam's chat? You realize the Source engine has built in voice, right?

anyone who says mumble is a bad chat service hasn't used it enough
It shouldn't take getting used to.

Why are you using Steam's chat? You realize the Source engine has built in voice, right?

So, you're referring to the actual in-game voice? If so, I still prefer Mumble. However, my reasoning is because it both sounds better and because for some reason my headset disagrees with working well in-game.

It shouldn't take getting used to.

Getting used to? What do you mean by that?
Literally all you have to do is go into your options, hit the "Advanced" checkbox, make sure the input and output drop-downs are correct, then make sure you either set a keybind for push-to-talk, or adjust 2 sliders to determine how sensitive the "detect voice" option is.

Then join a server and double click on a channel.

Last I checked that's pretty simple.

I use both TeamSpeak and Mumble regularly enough to tell you it does take some "getting used to."
Volume sliders and echo reduction and voice detection oh my goodness why are you soooo inconsistent sometimes?!
Regardless, either would be ideal for use by this size a group of people.