Author Topic: The Freeware Game Thread  (Read 61002 times)

The Elder Scrolls: Arena

The first game in The Elder Scrolls series.  In 2004 Bethesda decided to make it freeware to celebrate 10 years of The Elder Scrolls, it requires DOSBox or some other DOS emulator to run.


Bump. I found some but I wasn't sure if they were worth posting or not.

Bump. I found some but I wasn't sure if they were worth posting or not.

It would be great, as long as they weren't already posted!


Note: This game is more fun when you actually play it ;P

Quote from: Tig Source
Okay, Destructivator, by Pug Fugly Games, is just badass. The premise is simple enough – clear each of the 20 levels of enemies to win. But the game is just so freakin’ fast-paced that is feels like you’re on something. In most games, when the developers want to show that you have “heightened senses,” they slow down the enemies and your character moves at a normal pace. In this game you just have to keep up with yourself. Fortunately, you’re armed with a gun that fires appropriately rapidly (although not when you’re in mid-air). I love the way the bullets zip across the screen.

Tough game. Fast game. Good game.


Meh, heres another:

Elu Undersea:
Quote from: Clysm (creator)
This isn't exactly a game, but a life simulator. You can watch what happens or take an active role. Inspired by Jph Wacheski's Seeds.

Direct Link:

Oh Lord, how much can I post?!

This is win

Ainevoltas 2:
Ainevoltas 2 is a fairly recent release from Alastair “alspal” Jack, the creator of Final Vision. If you played the latter you can expect a similar experience – simple platforming with a very basic story and some RPG elements. That doesn’t sound like much, but FV was a fun game and so is this. The simplicity and brevity of both games definitely works in their favor. I also rather enjoy the deadpan dialogue...and the blood.

In Ainevoltas 2 there are four main stats you can upgrade: health, strength, recover, and jump. It’s pretty straightforward, but at a certain point you can join a guild and it becomes more interesting from then on. There are other surprises in the game which should tickle you with their surprisiness.



Ok, this is just getting to be an obsession...

Johnny's Nightmare:

Ok, this game is just strange, you have to kind of be the twisted right person to play it and love it...stfu, I liked it! You have to play it to see what it is, its very eccentric.



Survivor  CrCIA Z:

Kick ass, seriously.

Youtube link:

Quote from: Tigsource
The game has two main game-types: story and arcade. In arcade it is very simple: you will simply run around the streets of a city as the only survivor, facing ever increasing numbers of zombies until you die. This mode often only lasts a few minutes, and offers rewards for high-scores ranging from new mini-games available from the menu to a character editor for the campaign.

On to story mode:

As the main Character, you roam the city, trying to survive the outbreak in hopes that help will arrive. You aren’t alone either: other survivors like yourself have formed into clans, and the city’s police force has even set up a few strongholds.

For awhile, the city might seem peaceful almost, with only one ore two of the infected attacking at once. But wait until nightfall, and the streets will literally be crawling with them. Will you stay with other survivors in a stronghold? Or will you try to keep moving or hole up by yourself?

yay for whoreage!


It's not totally free, but a 14 day free trial...I know that I'm going back on my old rules, but what the hell who cares thais game pwns all.

Screen shots too big for this page, heres some from the site:
Introversion Software presents its third title, DEFCON, a stunning online multiplayer simulation of global thermonuclear war.
You play the role of a military Commander hidden deep within an Underground bunker. Your mission - to successfully exterminate your enemy's civilian population whilst disabling their ability to attack your own. Start by launching your battleships, subs and bombers in order to decimate your opponent's defences. Scramble together your alliances but remember only one can stand victorious.

Prepare your pre-emptive strike before one of your supposed allies gets the same idea. Choose the perfect moment for betrayal, obliterating your opponents with an apocalyptic thermonuclear barrage, but get it wrong and their devastating counter attack will bring you to your knees!

Link: (Its for linux, mac, and windows)

Help me...

Deo Dorant:

I have a faint feeling that this was already posted, but I don't think so.

Quote from: game maker games
Briefly put, Deo Dorant is, in my opinion, one of the most interesting Game Maker platform games to be released this year, possibly the most interesting. It's purposefully modeled off of old DOS platformers (I guess I must be a little biased, since those were the games I grew up playing), and I think it does a pretty good job of it.

Whether or not you're in the mood for a blast from the past, though, this game might amuse you. It features some vague semblance of a storyline, though it isn't one that makes a lot of (or, well, any, actually) sense. I won't explain it. It's too weird to explain; also, it's not really the game's selling point or anything.
It really is a nice little platformer.



Quote from: Cactus
Basically it's all about passing tedious precision jumps as quickly as possible, because everyone loves precision jumping, right?


There! My mind is clear, yet I could post an enormously more amount of games. I may pe posting more and reviving this topic. I hope you like all of these games! (Sorry for the 1/2 ass job of posting them)


Those were some awesome games you posted Radial543, I really liked that Ainevoltas 2.

I've played that Destructivator game before, it's very good (and very hard) and I recommend it to everyone who likes arcade games.

Warsow - A fast paced FPS

Warsow is a fast paced cel-shaded FPS, which focuses on the art of movement. For the movement they looked at the games Quakeworld, Quake3 CPMA, Jet Set Radio and Speedball. Warsow is developed under the motto "by gamers for gamers".

You can select between 5 player models, change their color, customize your HUD and other stuff. You can even change the look of all enemies.

It's modes:
Deathmatch ( Free for all )
Team Deathmatch
Capture the flag
And one called da which I never played

Download it for free here.

While not a game, I thought I'd be nice to point out, it's a list of 69 free games
I present the link too... 365 Days of free games!

Warsow - A fast paced FPS

Warsow is a fast paced cel-shaded FPS, which focuses on the art of movement. For the movement they looked at the games Quakeworld, Quake3 CPMA, Jet Set Radio and Speedball. Warsow is developed under the motto "by gamers for gamers".

You can select between 5 player models, change their color, customize your HUD and other stuff. You can even change the look of all enemies.

It's modes:
Deathmatch ( Free for all )
Team Deathmatch
Capture the flag
And one called da which I never played

Download it for free here.

The speed is hard to get used to and the player models are ugly.

While not a game, I thought I'd be nice to point out, it's a list of 69 free games
I present the link too... 365 Days of free games!

A lot of those games were shmups 0_o
Those were some awesome games you posted Radial543, I really liked that Ainevoltas 2.

I post what I play! (If anybody gets that reference and posts it they win)

Time to post a game that I haven't played a very long time, but it is very fun and satisfying.

The Cleaner:

Meh. I'll just be lazy ass and quote the whole review :)

The Cleaner is a fast-paced action/adventure game with some role-playing and puzzle elements thrown in as well. The great part of this game is not the concept, however, but the amazing style with which it's all put together- though of course, with a Darthlupi game, we already knew that.

The story of the game itself is a bit fragmented and leaves a lot to the player's imagination, but it's set against an epic and obviously well thought-out back-story (embodied in the intro video). The vagueness of the plot is mostly due to the lack of any narration in the cutscenes; this is obviously on purpose, and it ends up leaving the game's plot a matter of interpretation. However, the basic story is apparent- you are The Cleaner, a superhero sort of character whose job is to protect a peaceful world from outside invasion. Specifically, it's his duty to travel through an array magical portals to other dimensions and defend against potentially hostile beings. The game kicks off with an apparently run-of-the-mill assignment. However, it soon turns into something far more sinister as The Cleaner's wife is fired upon and badly injured by a couple of invaders. From here, the story becomes unclear, but the gist of it is that you, The Cleaner, decide to track down those responsible for this misdeed. This is where the story takes a backseat and the fun begins.

Much (basically all, actually) of the game is spent flying around various worlds in search of your enemies, but fear not- the game rarely, if ever, grows boring, due to both the (at times) awe-inspiring level design and the exceptional quality of the action sequences. Which brings me to the gameplay.

The Cleaner is, like almost every great game, simple to learn, yet difficult to master, and far more strategic than it at first appears. Generally speaking, you'll be spending most of your time running or flying, armed with a wide variety of offensive spells. The spells are all aimed and otherwise controlled using the mouse. Your various spells and skills (health and mana capacity, etc.) can all be upgraded using a simple experience system which doesn't really need much explaining.

Your character also has the ability to manipulate a wide variety of objects through telekinesis; this, I think, is what really 'sold' the game for me- it adds practically endless possibilities to each action sequence, plus it's just plain fun to use. Also, through the course of the game, you can choose to piece together several artifacts, which each give you a new ability- some more useful than others. This is a good concept, but I felt that, since the artifact pieces are supposed to be secret, they were a little too easy to find.

The spells are each interesting in their own way, though some are, of course, more useful and versatile than others. All in all, they seemed pretty well balanced, with only a couple anomalies; specifically, there was one spell which I found to be utterly useless and another which seemed disproportionately powerful. The rest I found a use for in some situation or another, though they do have their shortcomings- for instance, I felt that the spreadshot spread a little too far. The game also has its fair share of puzzles, which are often very cleverly designed if not particularly difficult; I don't recall ever getting stuck on a puzzle for more than a few minutes.

Lastly in terms of gameplay, I should mention that, despite being riotously fun, the game is also very difficult. For the most part, it's not excessively so, but there were a few keyboard-throwing moments here and there. Oh yeah- and as a little disclaimer, I should mention that the game is also shamefully addictive.

The graphics in The Cleaner, with the exception of the cutscenes, which are a bit iffy at times, are simply wonderful- no resource pack sprites here. Each world is a joy to explore, despite the minimalism with which it's presented- from frozen wastelands and grassy slopes to the dark depths of the ocean, each world feels starkly real and sometimes astoundingly beautiful. Few games have captured nature (or my imagination) quite so simply and effectively, and the game is worth playing for the environments alone. Even the most bizarre of the game's worlds have a feeling of reality (or surreality) to them. While most of the landscape graphics in the game wouldn't look like much on their own (and might, in fact, look downright bad), they work together nicely to make some of the best-looking environments I've seen in a GM game.

Besides this, however, we have a myriad of particle-laced spell effects, and practically flawless character and creature animations, of which there are many. The wide variety of alien-looking creatures in the game also added to the fun of exploration; they're all interesting and often very unusual. The only other problem I really had with the graphics is that sometimes the depth of certain objects was a little off.

As for the music, what can I say? It was all composed specifically for the game, and fits perfectly- I can't think of a single incongruous piece of music in the game. Sound effects are also used in great numbers, and, once again, were created exclusively for this game. They're all perfect fits, and add to the atmosphere nicely.

Another quality that The Cleaner possesses that's extraordinarily rare among GM games is length. It's as long as a commercial game, and you certainly won't finish it in one sitting unless that sitting is about twelve hours long. It took me at least a week or two, off and on, to beat the game, and, amazingly, I never once grew too bored with the game or even too frustrated to continue. Hats off to you, Darthlupi, for having the patience to make a long game, and make it well.

Well, Darthlupi has outdone himself, and I doubt any of his many fans will be disappointed. This is a perfect example of Game Maker pushed to the height of its capabilities, and I'm constantly amazed by this game. In any case, I'll stop yammering now, and you can start playing it.

Author's Description:
Battle across the Multiverse in adventure to save your world. Wield strange magics to combat even stranger foes.

Prepare yourself to step into the shoes of a Cleaner.

(Darthlupi is the creator)

A lot of sites that reviewed this put a content caution warning on it, it has a lovey scene at the start lol lovey scene, but I didnt think it was bad at all.



I found something pretty cool, but I wasn't going to post about it until I got it working.

Knytt Stories: Sequel to knytt.  Supports level modules so you can get more content to play through.  A couple of mind-bending moments and definitely worth a play.


I beta-tested KS. One of my favorite games ever.

Allow me to increase the game's list.

- Noctis
A space simulator of a Galaxy where stardrifters search for stars, planets and the possible existence of primitive Felysians, their race.
It's MS-DOS based, but it works nicely under Windows(XP).

Go here and get to the Noctis IV section.

- Frets on Fire
Indeed, the best Guitar Hero style freeware game for the PC. Jürgen, your new god, will tell you how to shred.
Note: Remember to pick up your keyboard like "zis". After playing this game, you will finally realize that you suck.