Author Topic: xSetrox's heart-touching poem of Rule #5-ness  (Read 5283 times)

Anyone seen this yet?

Quote from: Setro's Profile
Long ago, I joined the forums, in hope of happiness and fun
And for a long time the forums, in my bookmarks they were number one
I spent a long time on them, reading every page and board
I never got tired of them, never did I get bored!
Slowly and slowly my reputation fell
People told me to go to hell
My life falling, piece by piece
I was wondering whenever this'd cease
I put up with it for such a long time
Checking new posts on a dime
Never cared much for those who put me down
And had me falling to the ground
They say I don't change, oh how wrong they are
I tried my best to be different, but the solution was far
I made apology after apology, in hope of some forgiveness
And all of them just turned into a big mess
The issue continued, for a long time did it last
But people kept insulting me very fast
I tried to stop me ways, could I? I could not
People tried to program me like a robot
Nobody did understand me
They just could never see
But now, I leave my bad past behind
No longer am I all that blind
I'll stop it all, and see how it works out
Will the plan fail, I highly doubt
I'll stop using BLF, happy the forumers will be
That I am gone forever, and they'll all celebrate with glee
I'll continue posting in the help board, for problems I can't fix
But in the other boards, I'll stay away, they'll barely have my clicks
I'll continue playing the game, every now and then
And I'll ignore those who try to put me down, again and again.
If you see me, drop by and maybe say hello
I'll respond with a nice, "hi, friend"
And the forums can return to what they were like
All the way back then

i'm not gonna delete it nal

how much you wanna bet he'll be back within 3 months?

Noedit: I rarely ever make dramas, especially not for forum-related issues, but this was just too hilarious to pass up.

i think everyone heard about this during the setro drama that made him leave
kinda old news, sorry

i think everyone heard about this during the setro drama that made him leave
kinda old news, sorry
Oh? Dang it! Where was that? I must have missed it while I was on the cruise.

how are you this late
he already got banned and everything. he still lurks though

So uh... Any links you guys could share? I'd appreciate it. The drama board seems to be devoid of anything Setro-related on the front few pages.

Well I guess this issue is already done with then

well at least I'm caught back up now on my drama news

I think it was this one

iirc that wasn't a permanent ban

He's been around since then.

Okay, I may be an idiot but i see rules everywhere, which rule #5 is this going to?

hey did you guys hear about iban's messages to stocking?

hey did you guys hear about iban's messages to stocking?
No I didn't?

Okay, I may be an idiot but i see rules everywhere, which rule #5 is this going to?
