Author Topic: xSetrox's heart-touching poem of Rule #5-ness  (Read 5281 times)

I didn't think he could sound any dumber
but Sanic made it worse better?

Honestly I don't understand why Baddy didn't just perma Setro at this point, the ammount of evidence that mounts against him... DdoS, spamming, bots, etc... Would be a lot easier.

when did we allow black people to have slaves

well i certainly do not have a witty response to that

I can't believe my only video has about 500 views and was made in 15 minutes with my friend, sony vegas, and setro's poem.

lol sometimes i read a post and dont pay attention to who posted it
and i think "meh" or even "i agree"

then i reread it and see maxx or setro2 or buu posted it
and it instantly looks stupid

i think that after being so dumb in the past i kind of brace for idiocy as soon as i see their avatar, so even when they post intelligent things i find it dumb

That was a terrible poem.
Who rhymes "forgiveness" with "mess", or "board" and "bored"?

That was a terrible poem.
Who rhymes "forgiveness" with "mess", or "board" and "bored"?
He certainly didnt put much effort into it. Which is weird because why are you going to go to the trouble of writing a poem without properly rhyming it, especially if you knew that the only people who are going to read it are going to laugh at you or blow it off.

especially if you knew that the only people who are going to read it are going to laugh at you or blow it off.

The last time Setro considered that possibility for anything he's ever done was never.

The Poem was good until it started to suck

The Poem was good until it started to suck
yeah most things are

Maybe if you could leave Setro alone and give him a chance to reform his old ways, Setro would change. At this point, it's the community which is creating the problem in him. But of course the bashers won't stop bashing.

Edit: Oh, I forgot that you're the Blockland community. You'll bash my above post to dust because I'm a hated user here.

Maybe if you could leave Setro alone and give him a chance to reform his old ways, Setro would change. At this point, it's the community which is creating the problem in him. But of course the bashers won't stop bashing.
lets be honest here
we gave him a chance to change
he forgeted it up
thats his fault.

Edit: Oh, I forgot that you're the Blockland community. You'll bash my above post to dust because I'm a hated user here.
If you keep complaining about it maybe yes

lets be honest here
we gave him a chance to change
he forgeted it up
thats his fault.
No you didn't because his past kept catching up to him. Who frequently brought up Setro's past? The community, of course.

Maybe if you could leave Setro alone and give him a chance to reform his old ways, Setro would change. At this point, it's the community which is creating the problem in him. But of course the bashers won't stop bashing.
Um, I'm not bashing you but, Setro dug his own grave. This is 100% his fault...
If we give him a chance he will instantly abuse it. He won't change, at least not for a long time