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Author Topic: The Brighter Dark's ISLAND DOGFIGHT  (Read 28984 times)

cmon tbd stop teasing us

finish it up and unpassword it, I'm dying to capture that thing

I'm gonna land a plane on it

but seriously, not to nitpick but
that would be the battlement, hard as stuff to capture.
you put machine guns on it. most of the combat revolves around not being hit, and you go and put stationary bullet sprayers in the already narrow openings.

that's a Lot of areas to watch. 4 directions plus the forgetin sky? nah son.
not to mention the MGs have a narrow opening to shoot from. people can hide underwater near the corners shotguns drawn and surprise murder the defenders.
also the cramped looking layout of the interior means it's pretty easily sweepable with a grenade-launching rifle or a skilled rocket launcher.

haven't yet seen it in action but "hard as stuff to capture" is a tall judgement
« Last Edit: September 13, 2014, 04:02:57 AM by Cybertails1998 »

I already have a strategy for taking it from the blues

I'm gonna go as high as the helicopter can go and HALO Drop on their ass

ew it doesnt fit the rest of the build really lol

I was expecting a cute little aircraft carrier made of modterrain c:
I think battlement might look cooler if it was on top of terrain instead of the ramps, and maybe less symmetrical

To be honest, the battlement looks more "hard to get to and then get on" than "hard to capture"
Also, I'm not sure what the real benefit from it is, same with bunker.
Warehouse gives you boats, lighthouse airplanes, oil and central helecopters
This just seems more like a "we need it because we need it" instead of a "we need it for strategy" cap

what advantages besides a vehicle can i add?

if i add a wep people can take it back to the base and save it, taking away the advantage

If it'd had the room, I would've said a second P-50 Mustang

Maybe a heedicalking turret, like what the bases have?

avenger turret from glass's isle fortwars