Author Topic: Aeschylus's "Space Station RP"  (Read 4863 times)

sucks that such a nice build is wasted on a server like this

OT: does anyone have a save of that build or something?
I'd actually like to DL it and possibly use it for something, as this RP server doesnt do the build justice.

I love how you put this drama also like a RP story, anyways /support

I probably need to get back on to administrate if I still have admin on that server; I think Aesch hosted ParadiseRP at one point, there was a massive amount of deathmatching there :V

I was on there for a little bit yesterday. I did notice some strangeness about u egg and jntrauser in particular(mainly that u egg seemed to just do whatever he wanted), but I think they were too busy hunting down maxx at the time to do anything truly bad. Those two in particular seem to be the worst of the bunch(and maybe jitank, I think he committed forum Self Delete on here if I remember right), but otherwise the server's good.

jntrauser is gentoo who is fruit fyi

I don't know who 'u egg' is.

I can't stand u egg, he's very annoying.
why are you hating on the op? Calling him a egg like that that's rude! Reported!

ok so i'll reply once and keep things simple. add me on steam if you want
to ask Aesc or myself about anything (i'm sket in-game, my steam is Sami2ss
and Aesc's steam is SickNastyKickflip).

last night was a bad night for hosting. aesc had just gotten home from being
with a friend since a little over 24 hours and had a miniscule amount of sleep. he was too tired to host and be active with his admining. i was not roleplaying much except for giving out jobs, but i was also not actively admining at first. it was maybe an hour before the server went down at 1am est when the other admins and a couple of players went overboard with the killing. on this server, we do not like to punish players by banning and whatnot too much, so they received verbal warnings, forcekills, etc. the mass killing was not a constant thing, and it certainly is not normally allowed on a full-up daytime server (24+ players).

after a few warnings it was getting to a point where serious action had to be taken. these in-game screenshots are posted over a certain period of time, and some admin decisions/punishments were cut out of chat in the screenshots, such as the fact we had to kick players who thought it was creative to name themselves "Adolf Riddler" and then when asked to rename themselves, did so and changed it to something worse or as bad.

scoobs was removed from the Criminal team (a team meant for the most trusted players) and was clearly told to stop directly after that kill feed of four or five players. u egg was also told to stop not long after. i was constantly asking him to stop because he was also killing me and i knew something like this topic would happen because of him. the kills between jntrauser, jitank, u egg, aeschylus, scoobs, and myself (not killing other people, just killing each other) are not out in the open around players to mess with anyone's RPing. they were in private and they are just us playing around with each other (like love dude).

if you took what i have explained so far out of perspective from those screenshots there probably isn't as much wrong. the server was not in a very serious state due to the time and activeness of admins. although i was attempting to actively admin and give jobs out in an rp fashion, i was also doing things in real life at the time, and so people such as jntrauser became fed up and began attempting to lower the amount of players that there were waiting for job assignment by taking over for me.

thank you for reading if you bothered reading this far, i just woke up so i am kind of tired and tried my best to organize my thoughts on the matter.

this looks a lot like space station 13
but i would rather play that than have stuffty admins everywhe-
oh wait

i remember aeschylus joined renekar's server and told me to give him admin since "he knew the host and he had told him that i had to give him the password because if not he would be mad and de-admin me"
he insisted on this for about 5 minutes until renekar joined after i steam chatted him about this

after a few warnings it was getting to a point where serious action had to be taken. these in-game screenshots are posted over a certain period of time, and some admin decisions/punishments were cut out of chat in the screenshots, such as the fact we had to kick players who thought it was creative to name themselves "Adolf Riddler" and then when asked to rename themselves, did so and changed it to something worse or as bad.
There were no admin decisions made or players kicked while I was on the server last night. I assure you, I did not cut out anything from the chat. I must have left before such things occurred.
Do you mind sharing some evidence of this by the way?


At this point, it's just safe to avoid RPs in general.

Correction Planr, i never killed you, i was the twerking police. I tried to stop scoobs from free killing which is why in one of the pictures you posted where i say " gg no though out plan to be a Flash Mob...." and so on. Its not ok to say i was the one who freekilled you because i didnt free kill anyone. I only killed criminals. And i know you remember Soobs and U Eggs killing me multipule times. So dont make me look bad for something that i didnt do that you dont even have any proof of. 

(and maybe jitank, I think he committed forum Self Delete on here if I remember right)
Correction Planr, i never killed you, i was the twerking police. I tried to stop scoobs from free killing which is why in one of the pictures you posted where i say " gg no though out plan to be a Flash Mob...." and so on. Its not ok to say i was the one who freekilled you because i didnt free kill anyone. I only killed criminals. And i know you remember Soobs and U Eggs killing me multipule times. So dont make me look bad for something that i didnt do that you dont even have any proof of. 
wrong again, auto

wrong again, auto
oh no you got me i was wrong because I couldn't remember something from months ago!!!!!!!

oh no you got me i was wrong because I couldn't remember something from months ago!!!!!!!