
Do you support the death penalty?

Only if the person is an ongoing danger to society.

Author Topic: Death Penalty - Ye or Ne? - also why terrorists are better than murderers  (Read 9987 times)

I think it's disgusting for the government to kill anyone. The USA is the only first world country in which the death penalty is legal, and it shows. The death penalty rarely helps anything and is usually just a mechanic for people to get revenge on murderers.

You know what's disgusting? When someone rapes and kills your family. Those are the people who deserve to die. You only get the death penalty if what you did was considered cruel and unusual.

Since when do murderers, rapists, terrorists, etc  actually change their ways? They don't. Why bother spending money and space for them to go to jail when we can just simply put them down. Put them down with a firing squad and I could care less, plus ammunition is cheaper then using some stuffty drug that takes an hour to kill them.
I don't think terrorists are as bad as murderers. I might explain this later. Firing squads are better than lethal injections. They are less painful and cause less emotional trauma for the person, and they are a lot cheaper.

Nobody is trying to rehabilitate murderers. (Lots of rapists have been rehabilitated, you are wrong.) Its only a matter of whether it's life in prison or death.

You know what's disgusting? When someone rapes and kills your family. Those are the people who deserve to die. You only get the death penalty if what you did was considered cruel and unusual.
Society should not work on an "Everything must be equal" system. If you do exactly what a murderer did to them, you are no better than they are. Mercy is what makes people rise above killers. Mercy is much more important than revenge.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 08:54:46 PM by McZealot »

I don't think terrorists are as bad as murderers.
r u 4 real right now

i didnt even read the rest of your post

I don't think terrorists are as bad as murderers. I might explain this later. Firing squads are better than lethal injections. They are less painful and cause less emotional trauma for the person, and they are a lot cheaper.

Nobody is trying to rehabilitate murderers. (Lots of rapists have been rehabilitated, you are wrong.) Its only a matter of whether it's life in prison or death.

A lot of the time though, terrorists are murderers.

Let's be thankful then that none of you are in a position where your life is threatened.
What would it be like if we were on trial and were giving the death penalty and the forums got to pick how our death will be.

I don't think terrorists are as bad as murderers.
Okay, so the terrorists who destroyed the Twin Towers aren't as bad as everyday murderers. Yeah..okay..
sorry for double posts

Okay, so the terrorists who destroyed the Twin Towers aren't as bad as everyday murderers. Yeah..okay..
sorry for double posts
r u 4 real right now

i didnt even read the rest of your post
Terrorists honestly believe what they are doing is right. They have a religious conviction to do what they do, and they have often been raised by their society to do such things. They think they are doing what their god wants. Obviously not very many people agree with them.

Serial killers and murders know what they are doing is wrong. They know they are evil. They are killing for personal gain or out of anger. They have no excuse.

Terrorists honestly believe what they are doing is right. They have a religious conviction to do what they do, and they have often been raised by their society to do such things. They think they are doing what their god wants. Obviously not very many people agree with them.

Serial killers and murders know what they are doing is wrong. They know they are evil. They are killing for personal gain or out of anger. They have no excuse.
plz stop
doesnt matter if it has a religious rational behind it its still murder

what if a serial killer prayed to the monster under his bed who told him to run over kids on a playground
is he not considered a murderer?

Terrorists honestly believe what they are doing is right. They have a religious conviction to do what they do, and they have often been raised by their society to do such things. They think they are doing what their god wants. Obviously not very many people agree with them.

Serial killers and murders know what they are doing is wrong. They know they are evil. They are killing for personal gain or out of anger. They have no excuse.
This is not true at all.

Anders Behring Breivik is a terrorist and he did it for political reasons. Terrorism itself has nothing to do with religion or upbringing.

As for serial killers/murderers, they don't always know what they're doing. Take Ed Gein, for instance, who was diagnosed with schizophrenia. He didn't believe he was doing anything wrong when he snatched bodies out of graves and carved them up. He was mentally ill.

plz stop
doesnt matter if it has a religious rational behind it its still murder

what if a serial killer prayed to the monster under his bed who told him to run over kids on a playground
is he not considered a murderer?
The effects of a crime aren't what matters. The dead are dead and there is no reason to get revenge. The intent behind the killer, and whether they are dangerous, is what matters. If someone prayed to the monster under their bed they would be mentally unstable and not responsible for their actions.

i don't support it if people think of it as an eye for an eye bullstuff

prison time is intended to rehabilitate the prisoner so they they don't commit more crime, and to keep dangerous people out of society
Did you know that there's a proven 0% reoffence rate when capital punishment is used? It also guarantees that dangerous individuals aren't in society.

The effects of a crime aren't what matters. The dead are dead and there is no reason to get revenge. The intent behind the killer, and whether they are dangerous, is what matters. If someone prayed to the monster under their bed they would be mentally unstable and not responsible for their actions.
why would they be mentally unstable but muslims wouldnt be considered this?

Society should not work on an "Everything must be equal" system. If you do exactly what a murderer did to them, you are no better than they are.
Um yes you are
When they ended a human life for probably little to no reason, they made a decision knowing that if they were caught they would be executed

In a special interestistic way i kinda miss the guillotine  :cookieMonster: