Author Topic: Greyhawk's stuffty forget server of ruined dreams  (Read 6890 times)

I joined the server and i was greeted by a rocket launched into my face, which is basically spawn killing, there was about 5 admins there, most of them are either handicapped or just plain inbred, the admins kept abusing their power and randomly banhammers people, while Greyhawk just sits there braindead like a rotton piece of stuff. anyways, the admins fetch random people into a boxed in build where there's checkpoints everywhere for no reason (wanted people trapped) and they don't really know the server and it's core- most of them don't know the items and rules there, even when reporting to the mighty greyhawk about admin abuse, he doesn't care and continues on his day like a piece of stuff. admins kept being dumbforgets and ban other people without evidence~ if someone blamed on you- you would probably been banned for an example--

The two pictures showed a guy got banned without evidence- i was there at the time and the guy with the werid name didn't actually had light on and started running at squared with a hammer and then i saw squared kill him. the host banned squared.

The rules of the server states~ No jets allowed and no changing datablocks.
Here it shows-

Yep, an ADMIN using jets.

Here it shows the build admins use to report random people into so they cannot get out.

pls love this server pls

Gotta admit, when I came on one time I enjoyed this server, it has seriously degraded in quality over time.

Also, Greyhawk still uses that (slightly stuffty but still) tower I built for my, now his base. Kinda ashamed I built that anyways, now I'll never have a unique base for my own. Oh well.

I was, and probably still am, an admin on the server. I don't plan on joining back.

Almost off topic: throwing insults right and left at the server, while it gets the point across, usually makes the drama itself look bad, just a tip, refrain from doing this in the future, if you can. Just my thoughts.

sadly, /support

I'm Greyson friend now forget u
But Srs I'm his friend I'm going to show him this.
I hope he can learn from this.
also, his forums account is perma banned. So he can't bash it out and stuff

Grey read this server and is planning to improve this server.
He said: that box was a jail cell for rule breaking players. He said they were not banning random people, they were banning thing for breaking most of the rules.

Sorry for the triple post but he claims you were spamming stuff on his server so he banned you

Grey read this server and is planning to improve this server.
He said: that box was a jail cell for rule breaking players. He said they were not banning random people, they were banning thing for breaking most of the rules.
Tell gray thanks for understanding

Sorry for the triple post but he claims you were spamming stuff on his server so he banned you
who am I then? I came  anonymously and did not plant a single brick

who am I then? I came  anonymously and did not plant a single brick
wait he is trying to say you was.

wait he is trying to say you was.
no edit: if your ign is zero then he claims then your spamming but he is not sure

no edit: if your ign is zero then he claims then your spamming but he is not sure
the spam stuff is not what I meant.
He was trying to say that no one named zero joined the server in the past hour

no edit: if your ign is zero then he claims then your spamming but he is not sure
you can't "claim" something and not be sure.

you can't "claim" something and not be sure.
disregard the spam stuff. I was having a problem understanding him.
Anyway he is asking for your ign

Gotta admit, when I came on one time I enjoyed this server, it has seriously degraded in quality over time.

Also, Greyhawk still uses that (slightly stuffty but still) tower I built for my, now his base. Kinda ashamed I built that anyways, now I'll never have a unique base for my own. Oh well.

I was, and probably still am, an admin on the server. I don't plan on joining back.

Almost off topic: throwing insults right and left at the server, while it gets the point across, usually makes the drama itself look bad, just a tip, refrain from doing this in the future, if you can. Just my thoughts.

sadly, /suppor
grey said that you said he could use it

disregard the spam stuff. I was having a problem understanding him.
Anyway he is asking for your ign
there is absolutely no reason why I have to give you and grey my in game name, he'll just use it to find me and ban me

One guy syringed me ran off and left me hallucinating eternally, two guys were using MAS launchers while they were using changed data blocks with tons of health, I told grey, but he did nothing, so I got bored of having a screwed up POV, and watching two idiots spam MAS launchers, so I left.