This server is completely beyond repair.(up and coming is a mini-drama)I joined the server yesterday at about the exact time Klarck's build was deleted. I built my fort, sniped some unlucky bitches, and had fun, ignoring the stuffty admins.
For the following grievances to make sense, you need to know the basics of my fort. Here is a recreation made in my own server after I left;

The filmy substance surrounding the body of the fort is an anti-artillery shield, its purpose being protecting the fort while I'm AFK or swapping loadouts.
For those of you who are willing to shout "unfair", let me inform you that
I cannot shoot out of my fort in this state. This is for building and being AFK only, as well as gaining my bearings after a large airstrike or some stuff. The only way I can shoot out of my fort is by pressing the ^ button on
this console;

Once pressed, the windows will open and the shield will go down. Don't believe me? Here you go then;

Back to the point, today a "no forcefields" rule was introduced even though no other bases had them except Incinerate's and
this guy's;

Are you loving kidding me? I was getting buildkilled all over the place until I put those forcefield.
Even though the admins had PERSONALLY SEEN just HOW my shield works, the shallow cunts decided, "you know what, forget it, it's a forcefield," and deleted it.
The following confirms everything previously stated in this thread about the stuffty admins;

Greyhawk had NO SAY in this. They decided to do this themselves just because.
Continuing, they warp me into the new "rules" room;

Landmineman can attest to the fact that you CAN INDEED kill me without much of a problem. Either snipe me or shoot me with rockets while the shield is down.
Overall, this server is one of the worst-moderated I've ever loving seen. If somebody uses their adminship in this server for admin recommendations, decline them effective IMMEDIATELY.
Not satisfied? After deleting my shield, ZeppelinIndustries had something to say;

Enough said.