This thread is dedicated to the discussion of recreational drugs and everyone's various views and input on the subject of recreational drugs. The main purpose of it is to provide curious and experienced users with both facts and personal opinions on recreational drug use. Don't come in here and act like an idiot or say some bullstuff joke about drugs because we've seen them all and it gets old. Join the discussion or keep your mouth shut. We also don't care if you don't do drugs or think drugs are bad. Most drug users already know the risks that come with recreational drug use and don't need to hear your ignorant nonsense. Don't be afraid to explore the world of recreational drug use and have an open mind!
"What are recreational drugs?"Recreational drugs are drugs people use for non-medical purposes, but instead to get a high, a buzz or to hallucinate.
"What are some examples of recreational drugs?"Believe it or not every day substances such as caffeine, alcohol and nicotine are recreational drugs. Some other common recreational drugs you may have heard of are cannabis, shrooms, LSD, ecstasy, cocaine and heroin.
"Why do people use recreational drugs?"People use recreational drugs for a large variety of reasons. They may use them to fit in with peers, to escape from every day life, to gain a sense of well-being or even because they are just plain addicted, which is usually due to abuse earlier in life.
"Is it ok use recreational drugs before I'm 18?"I do not condone smoking or doing ANY drugs before the age of 18. There's no reason to, it can affect your development and you're not responsible enough to be using them. You may think you are, but you're not. I did stupid things like get drunk and smoke way too often when I was young and regret it 100%. It's not worth it, you're not cooler than anyone else that does drugs even if it seems like a cool thing to do.
"Aren't drugs bad for you?"No, drugs aren't bad for you unless you make them bad for you. They help cure and relieve people all around the world. Irresponsible users are the ones that make drugs bad, thus the quote "use, not abuse."
"So recreational drugs users are bad."Recreational drug users are not bad on any level. People all over the country and even the world use drugs recreationally and maintain healthy lifestyles/relationships. Being responsible with the way you use drugs is the most important aspect of recreational drug use. Being irresponsible is what makes some users bad and brings up the steroetype of these people being "druggies", "scumbags", and other similar terms related to "stereotypical drug users" according to society. It's being completely ignorant to apply this stereotype to everyone who uses drugs.
"I still won't do drugs."Completely understandable, but don't come in the thread and ramble about it. This is an informational thread open to discussion and questions. If anything you should come in here with questions for those of us who do have experience.
RavencroftBrief Bio: Started smoking marijuana at the age of 15 or 16. Not entirely sure. Began going to parties and drinking alcohol not too soon after. I didn't try nicotine until I was 18 because I thought it would be disgusting but I don't mind an occasional cigar.
Recreational Drugs Used: Cannabis, Tobacco, Alcohol, DXM, Ecstasy, Vicodin and LSD
Favorite Recreational Drug: Cannabis
Least Favorite Recreational Drug: Nicotine
TrinickBrief Bio: Amateur researcher and psychonaut. Puts way too much time into researching drugs before using them.
Recreational Drugs Used: Alcohol, Amphetamine, Cannabis, Cocaine, Diazepam, DXM, Ecstasy, LSD, MDMA, Nicotine, Nitrous Oxide, Psilocybin Mushrooms, Ritalin, Vicodin.
Favorite Recreational Drug: MDMA
Least Favorite Recreational Drug: DXM
ReficulBrief Bio: I started out by smoking pot in eight grade, and continuing to do so throughout high school. Every now and then I "migrated" towards other drugs, but always came back to pot. I've been arrested twice, once for public intoxication and possession of marijuana, and the second time only for possession of marijuana. It was all before my eighteenth birthday, so the records were expunged.
Recreational Drugs Used: Tobacco, Cannabis, LSD, LSA, Psilocybin, Cocaine, and DPH.
Favorite Recreational Drug: Cannabis. Definitely.
Least Favorite Recreational Drug: Cocaine
BahamutBrief Bio: Got curious with weed once when i was 14, started smoking with my sister and i've been a pretty big stoner since (weed is my go-to drug). Over the past year I've gotten super curious with psychedelics, psychoactives and opioids and have found that if i could actually find them easier, they'd probably be my favorite.
Recreational Drugs Used: Marijuana, Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds (if they count), Dextromethorphan, Alcohol, Caffeine, Tramadol, Percocet, Hydrocodone, Dilaudid/Hydromorphone and Ambien.
Favorite Recreational Drug: LSD/Psilocybin. I love everything about it though I've never been able to try it, under that would be Weed and DXM
Least Favorite Recreational Drug: Alcohol. I love alcohol, but I prefer it least over any other drug I've tried.
Clone v.117Brief Bio: Started drinking at about 13-14, smoking weed at 15-16 and psychedelics&pills at 17. Smoked cigs pretty young but stopped, now I only have the occasional smoke when I'm tripping.
Recreational Drugs Used: Alcohol, mary jane, lsd (acid), ecstasy, MDMA (combined with lsd) & nicotine
Favorite Recreational Drug: Acid
Least Favorite Recreational Drug:Nicotine
FurdleBrief Bio: Regular smoker, rolling tobacco (cutters choice is my favourite) been smoking since I was 15
Regular drinker, get stupidly drunk at least twice a week, however this is usually in social occasions... Going to clubs and pubs. Smoke weed once a week, I'm a very good roller, I own a glass pipe, gas mask bong, and other equipment, mostly get high when I am hung over. Starting university soon, so I'll probably experiment a bit more with other drugs.
Recreational Drugs Used: Tobacco, Alcohol, Weed
Favourite Recreational Drug: Tobacco, Alcohol, Weed
Least Favourite Recreational Drug: even though I've never touched the stuff, I've lost a friend to coke so I'd say it's my least favourite.
RoogedBrief Bio: Enjoys the occasional toke that puts a variety on his depressed, alcoholic life.
Recreational Drugs Used: Tobacco, Alcohol, Marijuana, Ecstasy (Molly), LSD, Speed
Favorite Recreational Drug: Alcohol
Least Favorite Recreational Drug: Ecstasy (Molly)
nickpb1Brief Bio: First time I got high I didn't smoke but got secondhand during a That 70's Show style bedroom hotbox the summer going into junior year (age 16). I smoked for the first time a month later at a local park. Since then I have smoked more weed then I wish I smoked because then I could smoke it now.
Recreational Drugs Used: Marijuana, LSD, MDMA, Alcohol, Cacti(Trichocereus Peruvistar fish), Shrooms(Unsuccessful)
Favorite Recreational Drug: Cannabis
Least Favorite Recreational Drug: Alcohol (Drunk people break things Smh)
mod-manBrief Bio: Was introduced to pot in 10th grade, partying followed shortly after so i delved into cigars and hookahs. didnt really start drinking till recently. ive occasionally drank since 10th grade but not as much as i have been. recently did lsd and shrooms, but was kind of disappointing cus i had no1 to enjoy acid with and i fell asleep before the shrooms kicked in. a friend of mine hooked me up withamphetamines when he learned i had problems focusing on school work. for the past 3 yrs ive drank nothing but diet coke and the occasional water, so im like heavily addicted to caffeine
Recreational Drugs Used: weed, nicotine, alcohol, lsd, shrooms, speed (amphetamines), caffeine
Favorite Recreational Drug: caffeine
Least Favorite Recreational Drug: nicotine
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