I don't mean to get anyone angry or anything but I have a few questions to ask for a personal survey of mine if you don't mind
1) why do you do drugs?
2) why are drugs better at relieving stuff such as stress?
3) did you have any mental or physical illnesses before beginning drugs
4) do you have mental or physical illness after taking drugs?
5) are you addicted?
6) have drugs noticeably improved your life?
1) I do drugs to have an experience. Doing any drug, changing your state of being, that makes life a little different than every other moment. Honestly, being in that altered state almost feels more real to me than real life does.
2) I don't experience a lot of loss of stress when doing drugs other than benzos. I think some people use them as an escape. When you're messed up, you don't have to worry. I can't say for certain whether or not I do the same, but I can say that it's more difficult to think about everything when everything feels so different.
3) Both! Again, I'm not one to say whether that impacted any drug usage, but I was prescribed Xanax and fell in love with both the mental and physical relaxation and relief it gave me.
4) I don't think I've developed anything new, if that's what you mean.
5) Boy, that depends on who you ask. I was doing a lot of Xanax for a while but have since cut down significantly. I think the only thing that could ever get me would be a benzo, since they're probably the only thing I could do every day. Most other drugs are too much experience for me to do all of the time. I also have a really sensitive stomach, so a lot of post-drug days are spent recovering.
6) Absolutely. I am so grateful that I've been able to do what I have. I hope to continue using drugs and trying more, seeing what the world can offer me.