Author Topic: The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, General Information  (Read 373329 times)

I seriously forget the weed is even illegal these days.
Like I'll be puffing on a J walking down the street or at the beach and go oh wait that's right this is illegal.

I seriously forget the weed is even illegal these days.
Like I'll be puffing on a J walking down the street or at the beach and go oh wait that's right this is illegal.

It may as well be legal in most states. As long as you got a card (which takes like 20 mins honestly).

Luckily getting caught isn't a problem for me, I'm one lucky person to be in a stoner-household
Ugh I wish, nobody in my immediate family has ever tried weed and they believe all the bad myths about it (they say it causes cancer, will turn you into a screwup, kills brain cells, etc.)

I seriously forget the weed is even illegal these days.
Like I'll be puffing on a J walking down the street or at the beach and go oh wait that's right this is illegal.
Dude I literally have this realization all the time. I'll roll a joint then walk around my nearby park smoking it. Best part is since it's a joint if someone calls the cops or whatever the joint is smoked by the time they get there ;D
Trinick, Neonfallout and bubbagum have all seen me smoke midday in public with ZERO stuffs given. The best place to hide is in plain sight.

ITT: Kids talk about life-ruining drugs

ITT: Kids talk about life-ruining drugs
I don't consider 20 years old being a "kid"

ITT: Kids talk about life-ruining drugs

If you think weed ruins your life, you should probably get more educated.

I don't consider 20 years old being a "kid"

I tried rolling a joint, but failed lol. I blame it on the Hennessy I drank a bit beforehand, but still.

why do people smoke bagged green tea

If you think weed ruins your life, you should probably get more educated.
You waste money, possibly lose a job, and noting that its illegal in most states.

you ruin your life

You waste money, possibly lose a job, and noting that its illegal in most states.

you ruin your life
lol ok dude, I smoke every day and look where I am.

Not specifically weed but having a dependency on anything is not ideal and in some cases can cause issues in your life. Having weed passively is not really an issue, it becomes an issue when you find it hard to live without it.

You waste money, possibly lose a job, and noting that its illegal in most states.

you ruin your life

Medical marijuana is legal in many states and is legal recreational in some. The DEA has already admitted marijuana is safer than heroin (considering they're in the same drug schedule when they shouldn't).

In California, many jobs don't care if you smoke weed. They don't check. I'm sure the same is for many medicinally legal states.

Ad who's to say its a waste of money? That seems pretty loving subjective.

Not specifically weed but having a dependency on anything is not ideal and in some cases can cause issues in your life. Having weed passively is not really an issue, it becomes an issue when you find it hard to live without it.

If you get "addicted" to weed, you probably have dependency issues with many things, not just drugs.

Weed is less addictive than alcohol.

Weed is less addictive than alcohol.

Bingo baby. And safer, by about 200x.