Author Topic: Furdle's Grand Theft Auto  (Read 58184 times)

Dude, stop being butthurt. If you hate Furdle so much then why even post here? Saying "Stop banning people D:!!1!1" isn't going to make any difference. People will still be banned during dev, as they always have, and as they always will.
Also Queeba you shouldn't worry about being banned in dev process, you'll always be banned at my server, no matter what stage I'm in :)

That ego. It blinds me.
...are you delusional or something

sorry, let me explain it since you apparently lack basic reading and comprehension skills
your server being full with four players out of a maximum of four players is very impressive. as a disclaimer, that was sarcasm, i hope that's clear enough.

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: September 12, 2014, 06:32:40 PM by Badspot »

-Edited in even more whining-
Not our style to password the server. That really limits the capability of people actually assisting.

sorry, let me explain it since you apparently lack basic reading and comprehension skills
your server being full with four players out of a maximum of four players is very impressive. as a disclaimer, that was sarcasm, i hope that's clear enough.
Oh my, Taboo can actually use sarcasm, and he's amazing at it!
Look dude, you say you hate us both, and you're constantly whining in Drama about something, why do you even bother posting here?

That ego. It blinds me.

Look dude, you say you hate us both
uh, that's news to me lol

you're constantly whining in Drama about something
not only is that not true, it's also not relevant in the slightest

why do you even bother posting here?
because i want to
i'm sorry if the concept of wanting to do something is too much for you

Furdle's servers usually fill up, and especially being something as "internet kool memez" as GTA I have no doubt it will be packed on opening.

your server being full with four players out of a maximum of four players is very impressive. as a disclaimer, that was sarcasm, i hope that's clear enough.
I never said it was full?
Your attempt to try and cram as many insults into one post as possible is quite pathetic, and quite frankly you can go and suck a fat one.

...are you delusional or something
Sorry. Let me fix my post so someone as egotistical as you can understand the sarcasm that was intended for that message.

uh, that's news to me lol
Literally, almost every post you make, you attempt to sling insults at myself or Furdle, it's obvious that you dislike us. So please, for the sake of sanity, forget off and stick to drama where you belong.

Literally, almost every post you make, you attempt to sling insults at myself or Furdle, it's obvious that you dislike us. So please, for the sake of sanity, forget off and stick to drama where you belong.
what no he's an amazing person back the forget off friend.
I completely agree with you, Thorfin. <--- Agreeing with Thorfin when he told taboo to stay in Drama.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2014, 05:17:30 PM by Space1255 »

Damn it guys, take this to drama, where it belongs

what no he's an amazing person back the forget off friend.
I completely agree with you, Thorfin.
Was the second part meant to be sarcasm too? Its not clear if the first line is targeted at me or Taboo.

Damn it guys, take this to drama, where it belongs

Was the second part meant to be sarcasm too? Its not clear if the first line is targeted at me or Taboo.

I was agreeing when he told taboo to go back to drama

I never said it was full?
Your attempt to try and cram as many insults into one post as possible is quite pathetic, and quite frankly you can go and suck a fat one.
i'm sorry you don't understand the concept of "jokes" either

you're trying to defend furdle by claiming someone else is egotistical

Literally, almost every post you make, you attempt to sling insults at myself or Furdle, it's obvious that you dislike us.
i'm not fond of you but that doesn't mean i hate you lol

Taboo's posts to forum, nuff' said

BTW, you aren't fooling anyone botting around in other random threads, so drama wouldn't be first on the list of time spent on boards.