Author Topic: Realm of the Mad God Megathread  (Read 22244 times)

Everyone above lvl 20 at oryx's castle ever
I laugh whenever I see one of those tryhard knights just get stomped at the wall right after the insect guard

speaking of deaths, I also saw a 8/8 grave where a cube god was.
someone mustve gotten a little bit too much of a hug :)

Pretty cool to see a revival thread of this game.

I've been playing RotMG off and on myself.  I currently have a 6/8 priest and wizard, but it's been a slow process attempting to 2k them both.

I've actually gotten so infuriated about dying the numerous times I have, that I've started compiling a mental list of "anti-tryhard" classes I want to just straight up get 2k fame on so I can get white star, meaning that I'll try to max them to a decent point, then just sit in a godtrain.

We need a blockland group on it. Stat.

I honestly freakin' love this game, me and an IRL friend used to do 3-hour runs of this almost all the time we could play. However he got bored because permadeath, so we had to go play Minecraft, which honestly was a bit boring for me. Still, we need a blockland group.

For a while (namely 2 or so years ago) this game was in the dump because of the lack of fixed bugs that the initial Kabam team either saw previously or added (like, each update there were 2 or 3 bugs where another one was actually fixed).  Oh, and this BS pay-2-win argument when weapons hit the Nexus shops.

I like the current Realm team, they're actually dedicated to the game's functionality and overall entertainment value, and they've had an awesome stream of events over the last year.

We need a blockland group on it. Stat.

Started a guild "Blockland".

Started a guild "Blockland".
I play next to never, how does one join a guild?

I have to invite players.
I mostly play on "Asia East"

I made a player list in the 2nd post, just Post your IGN's in the thread and I'll add them in

Grelokor, currently running a lvl 10 priest

every time my game crashes all the time i just wait a day and it stops crashing
how the forget does this work

also my ign is foxblf and i'm a level 17 archer
« Last Edit: August 29, 2014, 01:05:01 PM by ZombieDude »

<3 u limon

it was a prej staff

nice feed power
or for crystal popping in small groups
great fun for that

nice feed power
nope I'm gonna use it to solo O2 with only it no missing.

i got a ring from a boss
and it says its UT but it looks really stuffty like +3 dex and +3 wisdom so im gonna give it to my pet