Author Topic: Basketball Americans attack people in parking lot.  (Read 15007 times)

So when a white attacks a black that is a hate crime, but when it's a black attacking a white it isn't?
hate can't apply to the oppressed party dummy.....

what a group of richards lol

So when a white attacks a black that is a hate crime, but when it's a black attacking a white it isn't?
You have a good point here.

'Hate crimes' are stupid because the race of the target of a crime shouldn't change how we prosecute the offender. I mean, if you assault someone who is the same race as you, are you not doing it with hate? It's a dumb double-standard that doesn't do anything to alleviate racially-motivated violence as far as I can tell.

I'm sorry but this is top-tier handicapped. The reason why people still say that there is racial tension in the United States is because black people are still hired less, considered less intelligent, and are often the victims of a long line of poverty that dates back hundreds of years when their ancestors were slaves and second-class citizens.  The socioeconomic disadvantages black people face because of current and past racism actually explains this data, since people who are impoverished are much more likely to commit crimes. Yes, we're past the age of black people being lynched on trees. No, we're not past the age of institutional racism and poverty preventing black youth from having the same chance of success in society as white youth.
Still waiting for the actual NCVS survey to be posted because I couldn't find it.
So when a white attacks a black that is a hate crime, but when it's a black attacking a white it isn't?
Okay let's not be extra stupid here.

what a group of richards lol

imagine a crowd of giant weewees brutally stabbing people


Jews were slaves too for hundreds of years, and look at their immense wealth and success today
Only during the times where they weren't being killed off.

Jews are also educated, it's a cultural norm of most Jewish communities that education is vital to the youth, so they take that very seriously. Education is one of the most determinant factors in when a family can break out of poverty.

Still waiting for the actual NCVS survey to be posted because I couldn't find it.
The data is probably correct, but the proper way to interpret the data is to take into consideration the complex socioeconomic and cultural factors that play into poverty and crime incidence. I'm guessing what most people do with this data is that they assume that just because black people commit much more crime on average, it's an inherent part of their biology instead of the culture and environment they were raised in.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2014, 07:20:43 PM by SeventhSandwich »

Only during the times where they weren't being killed off.

Jews are also educated, it's a cultural norm of most Jewish communities that education is vital to the youth, so they take that very seriously. Education is one of the most determinant factors in when a family can break out of poverty.
but hating jews is fun

Only during the times where they weren't being killed off.

Jews are also educated, it's a cultural norm of most Jewish communities that education is vital to the youth, so they take that very seriously. Education is one of the most determinant factors in when a family can break out of poverty.

Jews were barred from teaching at schools for years, couldn't practice being lawyers or doctors in public firms or hospitals and were barred from success in most countries and look what they did: formed their own private institutions. Today they are the most charitable people (as well as the White Anglo Saxan Protestants). Why can't the blacks take education seriously then? There is no excuse, if one person can do it anyone can. Many Jews were brought up in utter poverty in GHETTO's, and many of them reached to the top from nothing. Poverty is not an excuse for everything. Why can't blacks do this and have education as their top priority?
« Last Edit: September 11, 2014, 07:23:37 PM by Caribou »

ideally everyone would strive to be the absolute best person they could be. i'd like to believe this is part of human purpose, but that's a different topic. the disinclination to improve is not dependent on biology. that is down to the one's own personal view and experiences.

..also if you're comparing recovery from jewish slavery and african slavery uhh

Only during the times where they weren't being killed off.

Jews are also educated, it's a cultural norm of most Jewish communities that education is vital to the youth, so they take that very seriously. Education is one of the most determinant factors in when a family can break out of poverty.
Apparently being Jewish also makes you 20% more attractive to the opposite gender. Maybe I should convert  :cookieMonster:

The data is probably correct, but the proper way to interpret the data is to take into consideration the complex socioeconomic and cultural factors that play into poverty and crime incidence. I'm guessing what most people do with this data is that they assume that just because black people commit much more crime on average, it's an inherent part of their biology instead of the culture and environment they were raised in.
I don't know it it's correct or not, but putting something in a neat graphic and listing the name of crime surveyors isn't convincing at all. I'm not outright denying the statistics though.
..also if you're comparing recovery from jewish slavery and african slavery uhh
It's okay he generally doesn't know what he's talking about.

but hating jews is fun
evidently so since jews have had some of the stufftiest luck throughout history

Jews were barred from many schools for years, couldn't practice being lawyers or doctors in public firms or hospitals and were barred from success in most countries and look what they did: formed their own private institutions. Why can't the blacks take education seriously then? There is no excuse, if one person can do it anyone can.
Jews were barred from schools but their communities still had money. There are blacks forming their own private institutions, but these things take time. We're not even a century past all that 'separate but equal' bullstuff.

There are black people who take education seriously, but you have to consider the fact that if you grow up in an environment where:

  • Your schools are underfunded and have low test scores
  • Your entire family has never went to college
  • All of your friends don't see college as an attainable goal
  • You have to spend free time working to support your family instead of doing homework
  • You're missing a parent

getting a really good education seems like much less attainable of a goal. You can pretend like it's just the character failings of black youth that they can't persevere under pressures like these, but I guarantee that your tests scores would be lower, you wouldn't get accepted into as many colleges, and you would probably make less money as an adult if you grew up in these conditions. It's impossible to expect people like you and me to completely understand what it's like, and it's really a display of blatant ignorance for you to pretend like black people don't reach the same educational goals because they're just unmotivated.

I don't know it it's correct or not, but putting something in a neat graphic and listing the name of crime surveyors isn't convincing at all. I'm not outright denying the statistics though.
Well, skepticism is a good thing. See if you can verify the data.

Jews were barred from teaching at schools for years, couldn't practice being lawyers or doctors in public firms or hospitals and were barred from success in most countries and look what they did: formed their own private institutions. Today they are the most charitable people (as well as the White Anglo Saxan Protestants). Why can't the blacks take education seriously then? There is no excuse, if one person can do it anyone can. Many Jews were brought up in utter poverty in GHETTO's, and many of them reached to the top from nothing. Poverty is not an excuse for everything. Why can't blacks do this and have education as their top priority?
Jesus Christ, if this isn't absolute biased bullstuff I don't know what is.

Apparently being Jewish also makes you 20% more attractive to the opposite gender. Maybe I should convert  :cookieMonster:

ya it does

ideally everyone would strive to be the absolute best person they could be. i'd like to believe this is part of human purpose, but that's a different topic. the disinclination to improve is not dependent on biology. that is down to the one's own personal view and experiences.

..also if you're comparing recovery from jewish slavery and african slavery uhh

They're both the same thing though, slavery at its worst.

evidently so since jews have had some of the stufftiest luck throughout history
Jews were barred from schools but their communities still had money. There are blacks forming their own private institutions, but these things take time. We're not even a century past all that 'separate but equal' bullstuff.

There are black people who take education seriously, but you have to consider the fact that if you grow up in an environment where:

  • Your schools are underfunded and have low test scores
  • Your entire family has never went to college
  • All of your friends don't see college as an attainable goal
  • You have to spend free time working to support your family instead of doing homework
  • You're missing a parent

getting a really good education seems like much less attainable of a goal. You can pretend like it's just the character failings of black youth that they can't persevere under pressures like these, but I guarantee that your tests scores would be lower, you wouldn't get accepted into as many colleges, and you would probably make less money as an adult if you grew up in these conditions. It's impossible to expect people like you and me to completely understand what it's like, and it's really a display of blatant ignorance for you to pretend like black people don't reach the same educational goals because they're just unmotivated.
Well, skepticism is a good thing. See if you can verify the data.

These things take time? Slavery has been over for almost 150 years now and there is no legal form of segregation anymore, so where is the progress? Any community with poverty has the problems that some disadvantaged black communities have, but it doesn't stop people from being successful. The notion that employers are still tribal is ridiculous, there will always be some who are pregidious but the majority are fair. I understand what goes on, and how terrible it can be but my ancestors, your ancestors, and many other members of our family came from poverty and moved into the middle class. It's not impossible, and it is not unreachable. If this wasn't about race, then it'd make no difference if they were black or not, there is no reason why they shouldn't have the same standards as anyone else. After all, America is a melting pot (well at least that was what it was suppose to be), in which all people unite as one.

Jesus Christ, if this isn't absolute biased bullstuff I don't know what is.

I don't think its biased, I'd list every organization and charity funded and/or ran by Jews but if I did I'd stretch the page.

« Last Edit: September 11, 2014, 07:39:19 PM by Caribou »

These things take time? Slavery has been over for almost 150 years now and there is no legal form of segregation anymore, so where is the progress? Any community with poverty has the problems that some disadvantaged black communities have, but it doesn't stop people from being successful. The notion that employers are still tribal is ridiculous, there will always be some who are pregidious but the majority are fair. I understand what goes on, and how terrible it can be but my ancestors, your ancestors, and many other members of our family came from poverty and moved into the middle class. It's not impossible, and it is not unreachable.
Caribou, your horrible, horrible bias is showing.

Also it doesn't seem you know a bit about American history. After the Civil War Lincoln got assassinated and his successors pretty much forgeted up Reconstruction so badly that pretty much all of the progress in civil rights except the fact that the slaves were "freed" were shot down and had to be regained all over again.