Author Topic: Apple announces iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus and Apple Watch  (Read 30454 times)

Did you even read my other posts. I already said three times now that I agree that hardware is not as important as software. But everyone always has to preemptively tell me I'm wrong before they even read the rest of the conversation.
It doesn't matter what you said in your other posts, I was attacking that post not your overall argument.

The older generations are sluggish with iOS7. I made the mistake of upgrading my 4, at the time, to iOS7 and hated it. They've optimized it since, but the 5 and up are fast as forget.
I guess that explains the performance, but I won't be upgrading any time soon with the newest generation's prices lol

Good for you, iOS is a different flavor to the same ice cream. I don't do coding or edit the loving OS, in the same way you don't do music production or drawing. Yet I don't go on any "Samsung" or whatever topic flaming about it.
So we agree that both operating systems are limited in different ways making each one useful to different users?

It doesn't matter what you said in your other posts, I was attacking that post not your overall argument.
Well you're right. I was wrong in that post and if the software is well optimized, it can out-preform software on higher-end hardware.

So we agree that both operating systems are limited in different ways making each one useful to different users?


I guess that explains the performance, but I won't be upgrading any time soon with the newest generation's prices lol
iphone 5s will probably cheapen down soon
you should get it, you wont regret it (hey that rhymed)

its funny because i was one of the biggest android roostersuckers ever. now im one of the biggest apple roostersuckers ever. windows watch out im coming for you (it pains me to see all these apple haters all across the internet because i used to be like them, until i developed a non-neckbeard brain and realized using linux didnt make me a hacker i was being a douchebag) i love android and i love ios. why cant we all love each other you gay nerds

oh I didn't notice those curved edges

why cant we all love each other you gay nerds
words to live by

can someone shop this inspirational quote onto a fancy landscape

words to live by

can someone shop this inspirational quote onto a fancy landscape
forget that, I want a t-shirt with that quote.

Nothing really revolutionary about this one at all except for the size.
"OooH new iphone must get pls mommy"

words to live by

can someone shop this inspirational quote onto a fancy landscape

brb, totally posting on my instagram!!!!11 i'll be sure to add at least a dozen filters too!!

so do these nerds fap to android rule 34 or something
seriously, stop loving fighting, this thread isn't apple vs android

Bigger than bigger than bigger than bigger than bigger than bigger than bigger than bigger than bigger than bigger than bigger than bigger than bigger... :v