
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 164243 times)

just carried a game as janna, now i'm silver 1.

who wants to carry me to gold V

just carried a game as janna, now i'm silver 1.

who wants to carry me to gold V
I play teamfight-oriented tops 99% of the time, so I don't carry per-se, but I pull my own weight and a little extra and I peaked at gold 3 :)

For clarification, I generally play Garen, Malph, Darius, or Gnar. Sometimes, if I see an enemy who seems forced into top lane, I'll pick something a little more fun
« Last Edit: August 09, 2015, 09:16:18 PM by Cappytaino »

>Doing well midlane against annie
>3 man gank me at 5 minutes
>enemy support and jungler sit in mid for 10 minutes
>No help from other lanes or jungler who never ganks
>botlane loses 1v2
>botlane "We were camped so hard that game"

Still won my lane but we eventually lost.

>Doing well midlane against annie
>3 man gank me at 5 minutes
>enemy support and jungler sit in mid for 10 minutes
>No help from other lanes or jungler who never ganks
>botlane loses 1v2
>botlane "We were camped so hard that game"

Still won my lane but we eventually lost.
I get camped really often, but due to wards the camp is mostly useless. I usually win my lane, but my team starts tilting once the enemy jungler stops camping top and picks another lane after a few failed ganks. Like when the jungler is camping me, there's no problem, but he decides to go somewhere else and my entire team starts raging and flaming. I wish I could have at least 1 decent person on my team who doesn't tilt the second they get ganked.

Edit: Anybody on right now and want to go for a duo? I've got a little time to kill and I'd like to play a little bit.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2015, 04:09:58 PM by Cappytaino »

anyone watch lastshadow9? i think he's really good for learning

Had a good game as sion, went full beast mode 2v5 with our Yasuo and stuff on their team every fight


(they're testin the new server)

god do I loving hate silver. The assclown who stole my account got it deranked to silver 5 with his marvellous 32% win rate, all the way down from Gold 3. Riot told me they wouldn't reset my rank to where it was before, so now I have to climb back up again. The problem with silver is perfectly shown by my last game. I'm playing maokai, take the camp for my team so that their jungler doesn't go anywhere else, I beat quinn in early laning by going up 2 to 1 over her and tying her in cs. Our Olaf decides to invade Lee's jungle and die a few times and then Lee realizes he isn't getting any kills from camping top, so he goes mid and bot and gets incredibly fed off of our mid, bot, and olaf. Our adc couldn't figure out how to position her own ass on the toilet if her life depended on it, so she kept dying to the lee sin in team fights and saying OMG WHY NO PEEL! Let me tell you why: lee is like 26/2, the rest of his team is stuff. I root lee in team fights, knock him back, and protect my team with my ult. They decide to focus an alistar with ult on instead of the lee, and then lee kills me and then has access to the rest of my team. loving solo q

i think the solution to getting out of silver is duoing with me.

IGN: UrbaNzNinja

This game doe


We're 4v5 all game. I go 0/2 in lane to mirror. Riven getting like 100 kills solo top. Ali getting a 1v2 double kill, frikn god. I just do my thing and go from 0/2 to 11/2. Enemy fizz gives up and feeds rest of game. izi win

i think the solution to getting out of silver is duoing with me.

IGN: UrbaNzNinja
Friended you. Hope you like teamfighting tanks.

Edit: trynda was scary. I hate tryndamere.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2015, 12:10:07 AM by Cappytaino »

>yasuo on my team sucks
>point it out
>he replies i have over 150 games with him in ranked and 70% of them are wins
>i find that hard to believe
>after surrendering check match history
>300 wins in ranked... out of 600.
>still silver 5
>k it makes sense now

also found this to be hilarious


on another note plz fizz

was pooped on by a lucian, i played like a frikn wreck n gave him 2 solo kills. he had like 70 cs compared to my 20 or something. After like lvl 7 he couldn't go near me. n I only had morellinonicimoncm. shut up fizz dun eat the adcs

Academy Skins splashart.
note the gamagoori and nonon in the background