
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 160140 times)

Holy stuff, this new Urf. Too bad servers are overloaded atm

Holy stuff, this new Urf. Too bad servers are overloaded atm
I'm having too much fun with fizz right now.
Pole dance 2 sec cd lmao

Kayle + Warwick = Deathlane

you cant stop the dives, man

well, if you decide to spawncamp bots on co-op vs ai urf mode, I've found ziggs/kogmaw work very well - just spam pain the spawning pad and you're good to go

Ren is s good support for URF :^)

listen here you little stuff

URF is so fun.
Hec tho? I went 19-4-11 on a Hec game and he's still OP AF.
Still wanna try Trist, Cho, and maybe Panth.
This is my first URF and it's pretty fun lol

Urgot still the god of URF, his dps and range is insanee

So I just played korean rengar top and went 12/6 and my entire team fed and wanted to report me. They were like wtf tank rengar i'm reporting you. I went hydra into tank which is pretty standard and i was the only reason we were still in that game when every other lane lost...

play urf lucian
lucian bolt returns and he's better than ever

Hecarim top is pretty fun, harass with q and no minion aggro, plus stupid fun 1.2k movement speed tp ganks. Also you one hit people with tri force js.

Hecarim top is pretty fun, harass with q and no minion aggro, plus stupid fun 1.2k movement speed tp ganks. Also you one hit people with tri force js.
Hecarim jungle still makes me wanna stuff myself ;~;