
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 160796 times)

wait so is ad fizz dead or not?

so uh, forget LAN. I play draven jungle a lot in normals and tend to win around 60-70% of my games with it, so I decided to bring it into ranked. Our rumble top was so toxic about the pick and the pick below me locked in sej mid into ahri because "i was plat 1 last season" I end up going legendary and everyone else on my team feeds. They flame me all game for the pick and cite it as the reason we lost. No, it couldnt be the tilting rumble demoralizing our whole team or the 2/10 sej mid,  it has to be the 12/2 draven jungle and that's why we lost

Because as far as most people are concerned, "Draven is ADC and playing him in any role is wrong and you're bad kill yourself".

If anything, they're confused and they've never seen it before. Everyone is afraid of the unknown, so they try to attack it until it becomes known.

That or the people you were playing with were 101% handicapped.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2015, 01:26:30 AM by Stick Man »

Draven jungle sounds really fun actually, but id assume the early clears would be on the slower side.

People is afraid of the unknown, and if something is not officially known as a meta pick it should not work. And they don't want to lose. Its silly but its how it works.

Draven jungle sounds really fun actually, but id assume the early clears would be on the slower side.
His W resets on catching an axe, so your clear is actually pretty fast once you get your jungle item.
People is afraid of the unknown, and if something is not officially known as a meta pick it should not work. And they don't want to lose. Its silly but its how it works.
I immediately ran bot lane to countergank their nocturne and got a triple kill. At that point, it should've been clear that I wasn't trolling.
Because as far as most people are concerned, "Draven is ADC and playing him in any role is wrong and you're bad kill yourself".

If anything, they're confused and they've never seen it before. Everyone is afraid of the unknown, so they try to attack it until it becomes known.

That or the people you were playing with were 101% handicapped.
I'm going to say they were handicapped. I stole 3 drags and a baron and was legendary and my team decided that I was the reason we were losing, not the feeding sejuani mid or the flaming rumble top.

I play a lot of off-meta picks, especially in the jungle, and people seem to tilt/flame/rage so hard when you pick it, and the only time they ever will stop is if you get a penta. It doesn't matter how well you play, unless you get that penta. They'll rage as hard as they can and sit afk in base asking the other team to report you like our Rumble did.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2015, 07:35:21 AM by Cappytaino »

The only two reasons I don't play draven jungle are because it's so mechanically taxing, and because adc jungle does inherently change your team comp in a way that can be counterproductive. Double adc can work, but you have to be able to work it in. If you don't have enough tank/bruise on your team, then it won't work out too well for your team.

So Gragas jungle is a legit raid boss...

any tanky champion with decent cc is a top tier jungler after the tank jungle item change came out

We got annihilated and it was 3v5 but this is probably the closest ive ever come to perfect cs

Tryndamere jungle is surprisingly good. Rush those lifesteal and crits and you literally can't die, not even when the whole enemy team is cc.

Add "UrbaNzNinja" on NA if you want to play.