
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 164570 times)

any champion can be good if played right

any champion can be good if played right
Ah, I'd consider Singed one of my mains, so I just get a little offended when anyone puts him in the category of "trash"

Singed is a really good agitator for pissing people off. Someone doesn't know your kit? Free first blood for you. Someone does and plays safe? Free farm for you. They come to gank you? Flip their jungler, ghost ult and zig zag away so they chase through poison.

Also, if you're not bringing ignite ghost on singed, you're playing him wrong. If you have any questions on Singed, I'd be glad to share some of my knowledge.

finally hit diamond 3 today :D

im in plastic 15, bronze 5 is looking good right about now

Bronze is too shiny and nice of a term to describe the majority of the people I had to deal with while solo queuing out of Bronze. Some of the people I'd play with were so stupid, I had no idea how they weren't somehow BELOW bronze.

I'm doing my placement matches right now for my first time ranked, won 4 out of 5 so far. The one I lost was with a Caitlyn that ulted a full hp Mundo (and kept ulting full hp enemies all game long). The worst part is that she was in my second game as well again as Caitlyn but I picked a lategame carrysupport (Zyra) and still won.

I'm doing my placement matches right now for my first time ranked, won 4 out of 5 so far. The one I lost was with a Caitlyn that ulted a full hp Mundo (and kept ulting full hp enemies all game long). The worst part is that she was in my second game as well again as Caitlyn but I picked a lategame carrysupport (Zyra) and still won.

There's nothing wrong with ulting a full HP enemy. Maybe not a mundo but if you manage to land her super hard-hitting ult on a squishy target it'll force them back since that target will probably not have a safe amount of health for a team fight.

Yeah with cait ult it's target over % hp UNLESS you can get the kill

Me, Swain and Leona just succesfully won a 3v5.
We were ahead a bit before the 2 dc'd but still that stuff was crazy.

Me, Swain and Leona just succesfully won a 3v5.
We were ahead a bit before the 2 dc'd but still that stuff was crazy.
I've done that before but I'm still unranked so I didn't think much of it. All three of us carried pretty well to get the W tho and it was really sweet.

Me, Swain and Leona just succesfully won a 3v5.
We were ahead a bit before the 2 dc'd but still that stuff was crazy.

That's sick! Nice. But how did you manage to push for victory?

People on LAN have this weird fascination with running tp and ignite and ignoring flash completely. In each of the last 8 ranked games I've played, someone has had tp-ignite. It's especially curious when they run it on something like Ashe, with no mobility whatsoever. This is at Silver 3 mmr

Edit: and with that game, I've beaten my longest ranked win streak of 8 and now have 9 consecutive wins! :D
« Last Edit: December 31, 2014, 10:18:51 AM by Cappytaino »

That's sick! Nice. But how did you manage to push for victory?
We had taken the mid inhib earlier and our top inhib was down.
We killed three of them meanwhile the enemy teams darius was tried to back door so basically we base rushed but it was only him so if he had backed they might have stopped us.

There's nothing wrong with ulting a full HP enemy. Maybe not a mundo but if you manage to land her super hard-hitting ult on a squishy target it'll force them back since that target will probably not have a safe amount of health for a team fight.
There is if you ult the full hp one with like 2 other people you could kill with it standing next to that person.

what items to have as dead sion - mercurial scimitar so you can remove slows, ravenous hydra, frozen mallet