
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 164251 times)

I hope Poppy's rework puts her into a somewhat-viable spot, I know she's playable now, but she's so easy to bully and has mana problems. She has to hit 2 expensive items to be effective, 3 if you want to start being the anti carry everyone hates.

Edit: Holy stuff, just won with an intentional feeder on my team
« Last Edit: January 12, 2015, 03:00:03 PM by Cappytaino »

Haven't got skin yet :(

I hope Poppy's rework puts her into a somewhat-viable spot, I know she's playable now, but she's so easy to bully and has mana problems. She has to hit 2 expensive items to be effective, 3 if you want to start being the anti carry everyone hates.
Since GBay put out a video on her I've had mixed success with her. I haven't really gotten to hit lategame hard yet though, I've won or lost first.

My friend got Riot Graves on one account and Alien Invader Heimer on his other

sooo lucky

It's funny because the pro players are making more money

Since GBay put out a video on her I've had mixed success with her. I haven't really gotten to hit lategame hard yet though, I've won or lost first.
Poppy can get bullied in lane hard, the only thing about her that's near OP is her passive, reducing nearly all damage she takes by 50% is absurd.

Gosh, I get so mad when I do well in a game, and my lane opponent that didn't deserve the win because they fed like crazy gets the win anyways because the other 4 people on my team happen to be gibbons in a zoo enclosure

Editing so it doesn't get taken out of context: I feel that I am diligent about improving my play, I record a bunch of stats from my games in a spreadsheet, record/watch replays of my games to brown townyze what I could do better, watch a bunch of top lane streamers, but especially Dyrus, etc. So I do all this stuff and accept that I HAVE to be a student of the game if I want to improve, but it seems like the people I get placed with don't give a stuff about how they play. I climbed from the bottom of Bronze 5 last season up to Silver 3, am currently Silver 4 after a rather unlucky streak.

But the people I get placed with don't seem to care at all about improving their game knowledge or decision making, I witness stuff like this in EVERY GAME: Mid dies to jungle gank, enemy mid and jungler are both very near to full hp, our jungler comes in as the savior of the game and engages into the 1v2 and dies, despite me pinging him 100 times to not do that.

Also, nobody gives a stuff about dragon and no bot lane mains know what trading even is, nobody knows how to play their lane as a 1v1 and what power spikes are, like I'll see someone lock vayne in champ select and say "Vayne es OP jajajaj" when the enemy team already picked Miss Fortune and in the spawn pad, you'll hear the dreaded "SILVER OF THE MOON" and know you're in for a long game because THE loving SOLO QUEUE VAYNE STARTED SILVER BOLTS. I MAIN TOP LANE AND EVEN I KNOW THAT'S BAD. People expect their "natural talent" to carry them in solo queue but don't realize that their decision making sucks and their game knowledge and knowledge of match ups is atrocious. I'm honestly just lost as to what to do, because I try so hard to improve myself, but I am only one person and can only play one role, leaving 4 roles open to someone who, nine times out of ten, has never played their champion in this match up before, and often, has played less than 10 games on that champion. Pro players will say that, yes, solo queue is reflective of your performance because you are the only constant in all of your games, but that is only true over a large sample size. You may also be thinking that the other team is five scrubs, and you're saying yours is only 4 scrubs, so what gives? Why aren't you already challenger with those odds? Well sometimes, the other 4 people in my team can do more damage to our chances of winning than I can pick up on my own. God, I hate solo queue.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2015, 08:13:39 PM by Cappytaino »

Low elo junglers are terrible: why I main jungle.

Low elo junglers are terrible: why I main jungle.
It just seems like people at low elo don't care about the game. They don't want to learn or improve, it's always "shut up noob im afk" whenever you give them any advice, even in a nice way.

sweet, they added ad scaling to her new e and made it deal physical dmg
« Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 04:39:53 PM by Anybody »