Author Topic: Blueeyesjt1's space RP - Horrible administration  (Read 7419 times)

I rarely make dramas, but this server was just so horrifying I wanted every one of you to see it for yourself.

As I joined this server, I was greeted by a welcoming message telling me to donate 10$ to the host so he could keep his non-dedicated server running. I didn't notice this at first, but my friend Blur pointed it out as he joined the server. It seemed pretty decent for a while after I joined: The people seemed reasonable enough to RP with, the build wasn't half bad and the add-ons used on the server actually had something to do with the RP. Then the actual RP began... Oh boy....

The first thing we had to do was prove that we were worthy enough to join the spaceship's crew or whatever it was supposed to be. Those who didn't work hard enough would be PERMABANNED.

At some point, I noticed in the chat log that someone was killing the host, who apparently was AFK since he didn't seem to react at first, but then, all hell breaks loose.

This is apparently the host's way of making sure everyone hears and understands what he has to say.

The one and only admin besides him on the server gets de-admined.

Now, after I struggled to stay in the RP (no idea why I still even bothered, I guess I wanted to see more) the host had a center print for everyone in red text telling us to meet at some random place on the ship. Blur, who joined around the same time as the "gym session" ended, stayed hidden in the same room, before wandering off to look at the ship.

What we were gathered for was what the host called a "thanking circle", where everyone had to say thank you to someone.

Another interesting administration technique: If someone said anything while an admin or a host was speaking, he would be banned.

I'm just gonna let the rest of these pictures speak for themselves.

Now, I'm not sure if these people were scared of getting banned, or just incredibly stupid.

...Didn't you just get de-admined because you didn't instantly ban someone because they killed the AFK host?

At this point I'm getting suspicious about the build. I'm pretty sure that if the host really built this spaceship, he would have at least figured out a better place to put lights to. Blur recognized the ship build from somewhere before, so it could be stolen, though I didn't ask the host if he had built it.

Exploring the amazing weapons room of the ship. I soon found out what the host was going on about...

...He was shutting the server down. People went apestuff and started murdering each other randomly. Despite all the RDMing, Blur was the only one who got banned.

The server's admin(s) are horrible at their job. I'd recommend just completely staying off the server.


oh hey this is the same jackass who was asking for donations in off topic and gd the other day

also, as a footnote, butterfly knives are distinctly not super spacey

unless the implication is that the balisong suddenly came back into style the instant man made first contact

oh hey this is the same jackass who was asking for donations in off topic and gd the other day

also, as a footnote, butterfly knives are distinctly not super spacey

unless the implication is that the balisong suddenly came back into style the instant man made first contact

i'll be sure to ban him from my server, should i ever host one

this is great

not only is he loving asking for money, but his administration is absolute stuffe

10/10 will donate 10$

Maybe he wants the money so he can pay people to stay on his stuff server

Yeah I agree with the OP and all, but there's no way that build can be his. Earlier this year I made this on a crappy google site I made.

full crap here:

dear god what is this

I used to be on his server a few years ago, back when it was actually /good/.
But holy hell, his server has gone to stuff. I can't believe this.


Obviously a 6 year old who cannot really host a serious rp correctly.

Yep, plenty of telltale signs of poor administration. Especially the part where the host de-admins the only other admin on the server just because he didn't ban the one person breaking the rules, that's basically opening the floodgates of chaos.
Blueyesjt1 is lucky his server didn't fall apart, then again, it probably would've if he hadn't shut down the server when he did.

As for the whole stolen build, while the spaceship used in his rp is likely made by someone else, it technically isn't stolen. From what i've observed, someone can't really be accused of stealing a build unless the player in question tries to take credit for some one elses work. So, unless anyone can find proof of him trying to claim the build as his own, it's not stolen.

I saw the host actually build the ship himself, though. I haven't seen all of it, but from the pictures I can tell that the rooms are in the same style as the ship itself.


And this is why I avoid these kind of RP's(even though i basicly quit blockland a few months ago since it just became boring), why did you visit it in the first place?