Author Topic: favorite videogame soundtracks  (Read 2236 times)

yeah we're doing this again, post your favorite tracks from games and maybe your favorite games that have tracks

mine's Armored Core for a very simple reason

The Neverhood Soundtrack
Probably the most unique soundtrack you'll ever find.

payday 2
hotline miami/hotline miami 2
far cry 3 blood dragon
animal crossing

superbrother sword & sorcery for obvious reasons
risk of rain: especially arctic oscillation, mostly upbeat combat pieces
rogue legecy: whale. shark. touching intro soundtrack depicting lineage legacy
daggerfall: retro rpg music, ambitiously atmospheric for its time
dark souls 1/2: p top notch tension racking boss themes
runescape: most of the f2p music; nostalgic vibe
metroid prime echos 2 multiplayer music: really pumped initiative to duke things out
chrono trigger forest/castle themes: nice transitions, castle has catchy fanfare
dbz budokai 1: everything, cells arena as an all time favorite
loz majoras mask: majority, clocktown as the catchiest most memorable performance
@team by rotondo: spiffy roguelike tunes mmm
paper mario tyod: rogueport especially, great cynical hub town

im sure theres tons more, but thats just a brief insider

hotline miami
spiral knights
p much all zelda games
starbound (even though i dont play it)

Banjo Kazooie
Hotline Miami

Supreme Commander
Total Annihilation
Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries
Super Mario 64 (dire dire docks ;-;)
Super Mario Galaxy
Payday 2
Metal Gear Series (Most of the games had memorable soundtracks)
God... my list goes on but I have a hard time listing them all.

the entire soundtrack to sonic rush

(fyi it was composed by the same guy who made the music for jet set radio)

Portal 2
All Paper Mario
Animal Crossing

bastion and transistor
LoZ: windwaker
bioshock infinite has some pretty cool songs, especially that version of god only knows

simcity 4
simcity 4
simcity 4
simcity 4
simcity 4