Author Topic: Block Wars - No Hope  (Read 134690 times)

*double post*

and if thats not possibly, i'd love being a camera man. i just need to know which screen recording program to use.

As of voice acting, like warren said, anyone from episode 4 except darth vader and obi wan. Camera work, on the other hand is Fraps, unless you have something that works just as well. I can take any video file so it doesn't matter.

well be it that i do not know the movie that well... how about you jsut tell me what to say and i'll record it, that'll save me work

Alright, I got my voice clip. As promised, it's really, REALLY high. Almost comedically high. Laugh if you will.

"Is that a lightsaber?"


I could probably do the acting for Luke too, if he matches the character I defined (Stupid and easily distracted) with my voice. Remotely.

You sound like young Anakin (sorry for first-page quote)

Alright, I got my voice clip. As promised, it's really, REALLY high. Almost comedically high. Laugh if you will.

"Is that a lightsaber?"


I could probably do the acting for Luke too, if he matches the character I defined (Stupid and easily distracted) with my voice. Remotely.

You sound like young Anakin (sorry for first-page quote)
No, even higher pitched.


I could be a voice actor/actress in the movie :P you guys prob don't want Leia being played by some 47 years old fat virgin MALE :cookieMonster: I'll fish out the mic soon ( though I think my brother forgot it at a friend's house t-t; ) and record me saying something :P

"Stay on target!"
"I can't maneouver!"
"Stay on target!"
"I'm hit!"
"Stay on target!"

i have several great star wars builds, (like y-wing or at-at)

A little off but in order, heres you're replys:


Nice star destroyer

45 year old man as Leia sounds awesome

I like those quotes

We don't need builds.... well other than the death star, possibly millenium falcon.

So if you want to audition, auditioning is open. If you just want to act. Its not hard to play blockland so you're already in. Keep up the help people, still need some writers, so we're really looking for that if you can help.

millinium falcon? i could try, but your gonna need sets too, and those need a buildin'. but the writing part i can FOR SURE DO! just give me a basic outline of what you want in the story

millinium falcon? i could try, but your gonna need sets too, and those need a buildin'. but the writing part i can FOR SURE DO! just give me a basic outline of what you want in the story

Well yes, thats what we need you for, sets. Its just you mentioned X-wings, and we have those as addons (thanks to my buddy Warren: )

And for writing heres the story:

Star Wars. In Blockland. And its a spoof.

If you haven't seen Star Wars, then you need a good kick in the head cause you missed out on an important part of you're childhood as a nerdy kid playing blockland. Every nerd has seen at least one Star Wars movie in their life (even if god forbid it be the stupid prequels, though Ep. III wasn't as bad)

So, heres what I want you to do to help:

Write a short scene (from star wars ep 4) and make it as funny as you can, we need humor here. And PM me it or Warren, or just post it in this thread.

Second, send a screen shot of a build that you could use as a set.

Alright then, continue helping people. If you can.

ok i have the milliniom falcon set  almost ready :D here are some shots of it :D

(btw will you need an outside shot of milliniom falcon

more! edit: forgot pics lol.. btw the set has no detailed outside

(lol 2 of the same pic, i really screwed up, sorry
« Last Edit: January 21, 2008, 01:57:38 PM by tcxxx572 »