Author Topic: Death Penalty in the US- Yes or no? (Another discussion)  (Read 3117 times)

Here goes another discussion topic, hopefully this one will be a less touchy subject. I disagree with the death penalty in general but especially as is. The qualifications are too arbitrary from state-to-state. Also, with all this DNA evidence technology coming out, it has been discovered that some that were executed were innocent of the crime. I have another argument that I may bring up if necessary. So where do you guys stand on this issue?

No. I don't like the idea that the state can decide when you die.

Some people purposely try to get it as an easy way out.

Prison is supposed to be about punishment. Make them pay for their crime. A lifetime in solitary confinement is much more damaging than being killed.

I don't think death penalty is right at all. No one should be the decider of your death.

No death penalty. Prison labor on the other hand I'm completely for. Imagine the manufacturing industry the U.S could have if we put our massive share of incarcerated citizens to work building our products!

Serial murderers don't deserve life. Either death penalty or solitary confinement. Or prison labour.

Pick-pockets to hardened murderers I say should be put into labor for certain amounts of time. Not sit in a cramped concrete box.

Pick-pockets to hardened murderers I say should be put into labor for certain amounts of time. Not sit in a cramped concrete box.
give bombers jobs as demolition men
that'll work

Prison is supposed to be about punishment. Make them pay for their crime. A lifetime in solitary confinement is much more damaging than being killed.
3 hot meals a day, a bed, and yard time? doesn't sound like much of a punishment to me.

Pickpocketing?  No not even.

Kill a man?  A life for a life.

Pickpocketing?  No not even.

Kill a man?  A life for a life.

No we just need to pickpocket them back.