Author Topic: JE SUIS CHARLIE: 12 killed at French magazine HQ [UPDATE: TERRORISTS ARE DEAD]  (Read 7849 times)

They're probably singing some bullstuff now that they killed the Tyranny that offended Allah.

loving "religion of peace". Islam forgeted up the Neukölln district in Berlin. I went to buy a bike there during my stay. They were so eager to sell me those bikes, and I later found out that they were stolen. Call me some kind of tribal opressive white man, but Islam is the problem. The Holy Quaran says that they should force their religion on people, even resorting to violence. And such violent acts have already taken place, awhile back a man in Sweden was killed for hanging a flag of Israel in his window, and many more violent confrontations occur in many neighborhoods over Islam. Europe needs to take a serious stance on Immigration from these countries, if they don't Europe will be the land of Kebab.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2015, 08:36:11 AM by Sp00n.exe »

The only rational response would be for everyone to publish images of Muhammad at once.

Ya can't kill everyone.

"extremists attacking Paris reveal they have a WMD capable of destroying the entire planet"

Apparently a tank was spotted, getting towed near the current hostage situation.

I hope the GIGN gets involved

Fun fact: they're dead in a Printing factory

Anonymous is preparing a revenge: "#OpCharlieHebdo"
« Last Edit: January 09, 2015, 12:36:16 PM by MrLoL² »

Fun fact: they're dead in a Printing factory
Now that's ironic

Fun fact: they're dead in a Printing factory

Anonymous is preparing a revenge: "#OpCharlieHebdo"

Talk about irony

Wish they could have been captured alive, so they could be tortured, then publicly executed for what they did

But knowing some people, there will be those who will complain that torture to terrorists is inhumane and wrong!

Wish they could have been captured alive, so they could be tortured, then publicly executed for what they did

But knowing some people, there will be those who will complain that torture to terrorists is inhumane and wrong!
because they're still people? its same mentality they use against the western world, it makes no difference in ethics and morals if we use it. this isn't the 12th century anymore where you killed people to make a point

because they're still people? its same mentality they use against the western world, it makes no difference in ethics and morals if we use it. this isn't the 12th century anymore where you killed people to make a point
Guess it's just my view on it. They killed 12 people (4 hostages too I believe), including one innocent police officer at point blank range, even when they were begging to not shoot. To me, it doesn't matter if they're still people. They killed many people just for a drawing in a magazine. Most of the people didn't have a thing to do with the newspaper. I'd say it deserves a cruel punishment, but once again it's just my views on it
« Last Edit: January 10, 2015, 12:57:07 AM by K1ng_0f_N0thing »

Guess it's just my view on it. They killed 12 people (4 hostages too I believe), including one innocent police officer at point blank range, even when they were begging to not shoot. To me, it doesn't matter if they're still people. The innocent lives taken were also people
I know they should be punished, but really, public execution? this isn't the roman empire where they crusified almost everyone who acted agianst the laws and government. if people want a civilized country they should stop doing an eye for an eye just because "they started it!" not to mention that if people call their views and actions 5th century like, how does it change if any other person does it? anyways, I'm going to sleep. its one am and I'm not going to stay up all night for some argument with a random guy on the internet, im doing stuff today

Wish they could have been captured alive, so they could be tortured, then publicly executed for what they did

But knowing some people, there will be those who will complain that torture to terrorists is inhumane and wrong!

Yeah, because this will make us 12x better than them!
If the world was eye for an eye, the entire world goes blind.

Yeah, because this will make us 12x better than them!
If the world was eye for an eye, the entire world goes blind.
That's why you gotta believe in an eye for two eyes.

I wish they would've been able to capture the sons of bitches alive to get them to spill their guts out, and THEN maybe they'd be executed but humanely or life in prison so they'll get executed with bum cum.