Author Topic: JE SUIS CHARLIE: 12 killed at French magazine HQ [UPDATE: TERRORISTS ARE DEAD]  (Read 7842 times)

If two members of the kool kids klub went into public and shot 12 people, nobody (including me) would be afraid to call it a racially charged incident. However when two Muslims go into public and start screaming "allahu akbar" and "the prophet is revenged" while murdering people, people start talking stuff like it has nothing to do with Islam and it's just an isolated incident. You see the double standard?

In both cases, blaming a group for the actions of radical individuals is harmful and ignorant.

There is no double standard in the first place

Turning a blind eye to obvious motives for murder to protect the already flawed concept of multiculturalism is harmful and ignorant.

You see the double standard?
No... no I don't. People aren't afraid to call it a terror incident that was done in the name of Islam... But when people start saying it represents Muslims then that's when I have problems

Turning a blind eye to obvious motives for murder to protect the already flawed concept of multiculturalism is harmful and ignorant.

No innocent man or woman should be persecuted for the actions of terroists, regardless of their religion. Stop being edgy.

The stoning of non-believers was a thing in Deuteronomy. That's old Jewish law, which God said we are free from following.

no he never said that, nor did jesus. nor did anyone in the new testament.

God said we are free from following.
Actually it was the Paul that said that and also stated in the book of Hebrews.

Though through that people would have said it was "said by God.". The main problem with people arguing against Christianity and the "old testament/new testament" contrast kind of extends and points to their own failure to actually understand the concept OF the Christian God and divine inspiration.

A lot of you here really make me pinch my brow. In particular Bisjac who isn't afraid to show his ignorance on the matter at all.  :cookieMonster: This isn't a cakewalk to understand and it certainly is that hard either.

Step 1: Make the effort to read the book


« Last Edit: January 08, 2015, 04:45:02 PM by Tayasaurus »

Google, Amazon, Apple, Reddit and many other sites showed their support to Charlie Hebdo.

the entire world also showed their support.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2015, 05:04:38 PM by MrLoL² »

the only thing jesus and the new testament changed, is people didnt have to sacrifice animals/crops to get to heaven anymore. where most of the jews of the time disagreed and went their separate ways.
thats it. paul is just some guy who dosnt speak for jesus or god anyways.

most christians love the 10 commandments. thats some outdated jew stuff as well. but they chose to keep that over the violent demands that are still required.
you cant pick and choose based on what some modern preacher says. he didnt write the bible either, nor can any of you decide how to follow it. its either all relevant, or none of it. all literal, or none of it.

they were just delivering some magazines to the HQ :cookieMonster:

Meanwhile 2,000 people are killed by Boko Haram and no one bats an eye

It really doesn't matter to me until somebody picks up a gun and starts shooting people who aren't aligned to their agenda.
They shot an killed a police officer who was muslim.

Any updates? are these psychopaths caught yet?

Meanwhile 2,000 people are killed by Boko Haram and no one bats an eye
It's understandable. Things like that happen all the time over there. It's a really common occurrence and people cant show this amount of sympathy and coverage every time. People just stop caring, to put it bluntly.

The situation in Paris is important because of what it is about; freedom of expression. This also happened in a country that doesn't experience terrorism like this as often.

They shot an killed a police officer who was muslim.
It's not as if they stopped and asked the officer about his religion...