Author Topic: Maxxi: Overreaction to simple questions  (Read 20627 times)

Is op an alt of someone who was banned before? I noticed he tries to act mature but says really dumb stuff so I'm suspicious.

Is op an alt of someone who was banned before? I noticed he tries to act mature but says really dumb stuff so I'm suspicious.
he's newspeed

maxx needs to tell us how he earned drama immunity because that's something im interested in obtaining

Lol at his "you've been here 9 days and you've already been a huge asswipe to me, congrats, i officially hate you."

maxx needs to tell us how he earned drama immunity because that's something im interested in obtaining
by this logic, you say that every drama im involved with that has my name splattered on it should automatically be supported because im me?
dramas should be about the action the users took, not their overall reputation, thats like stuffting out a drama on a user for absolutely no reason when the drama's creator themselves started the argument. you should look over what newspeed did in the op before you make blind assumptions because of my reputation here.

i didn't earn "drama immunity", newspeed is literally handicapped and wanted to bait me to have an excuse to execute the drama.

i fail to see how i was provoking by asking a simple question

i fail to see how i was provoking by asking a simple question
because you're asking it in a really starfish like tone, and you did that multiple times before to me
you don't throw a rock at a lion expecting it to take your stuff, it just jumps up and bites your head off.

gonna side with maxx here, even though he exploded in his usual manner you pretty obviously insulted him and tried to bait him into exploding.

because you're asking it in a really starfish like tone, and you did that multiple times before to me
you don't throw a rock at a lion expecting it to take your stuff, it just jumps up and bites your head off.
Quote from:
What happens to a mountain lion that is declared a public safety threat?

The CDFW or law enforcement personnel on scene will secure the area, then locate and kill the offending animal as soon as possible. The CDFW does not relocate mountain lions that are a threat to public safety.

obviously you didn't read the post correctly but whatever

because you're asking it in a really starfish like tone, and you did that multiple times before to me
you don't throw a rock at a lion expecting it to take your stuff, it just jumps up and bites your head off.

how was it an starfish tone?

If i meant to to sound sound like an starfish i would have said:

Aren't you a loving 12 year old?

obviously you didn't read the post correctly but whatever
stop biting people's heads off for calling you on your bullstuff

i don't like maxx but i don't like you either, op. give jewel bag boy a break.

how was it an starfish tone?

If i meant to to sound sound like an starfish i would have said:

Aren't you a loving 12 year old?
either way it seemed like you were just being a richard about it
stop biting people's heads off for calling you on your bullstuff
heres the timeline
>i make a love joke>newspeed responds "ARENT YOU TWELVE!?">i call him out for it>they take it to pms>i get mad at him> this drama happens>now

i don't like maxx but i don't like you either, op. give jewel bag boy a break.