Author Topic: Maxxi: Overreaction to simple questions  (Read 20604 times)

some of you guys look like you're harassing lightbox just because he made a little mistake. I jump in for people like this because I've been there before; it's not fun being the object of ridicule.

Oh my gosh. I can not even begin to explain how loving sick I am of hearing that line. "They just made a mistake!" Do you know what newspeed is? He is another banned user come back to a place he isn't wanted. He went on the Qi forum and expressed how much he hated this forum, claiming all of its users were morons. Why the hell are you here then newspeed? Saying "oh i was just mad that day" is a bullstuff answer. What, because you threw a childish little temper tantrum it excludes you from all punishment and you get to return like nothing happened? That isn't how it works.

If I get mad and punch a hole through a wall do you think I can just tell the property owner "sorry, I just got mad, we cool?" No, I'll have to pay the damages for what I did. All you banned users think you are entitled to forget up again and again and constantly come back deserving of a fresh start. You caused the hatred that is directed towards you so now you get to deal with it. You don't get to criticize the forum saying we don't treat you right because you brought this on yourself from your own actions. Being honest, you both are in the wrong here. You jumped the gun making this drama and Maxx reacted like the violent, damaged little child he is. I'm just tired of dealing with you banned users who feel the need to return again and again.

Newspeed is one of these users, Maxx is one of these users, it is just a huge cesspool of loving morons we are forced to deal with because they can't take the damn hint they aren't wanted here.

Well that ends my rant.

If I get mad and punch a hole through a wall do you think I can just tell the property owner "sorry, I just got mad, we cool?" No, I'll have to pay the damages for what I did. All you banned users think you are entitled to forget up again and again and constantly come back deserving of a fresh start. You caused the hatred that is directed towards you so now you get to deal with it. You don't get to criticize the forum saying we don't treat you right because you brought this on yourself from your own actions. Being honest, you both are in the wrong here. You jumped the gun making this drama and Maxx reacted like the violent, damaged little child he is. I'm just tired of dealing with you banned users who feel the need to return again and again.
loving YES.

Oh my gosh. I can not even begin to explain how loving sick I am of hearing that line. "They just made a mistake!" Do you know what newspeed is? He is another banned user come back to a place he isn't wanted. He went on the Qi forum and expressed how much he hated this forum, claiming all of its users were morons. Why the hell are you here then newspeed? Saying "oh i was just mad that day" is a bullstuff answer. What, because you threw a childish little temper tantrum it excludes you from all punishment and you get to return like nothing happened? That isn't how it works.

If I get mad and punch a hole through a wall do you think I can just tell the property owner "sorry, I just got mad, we cool?" No, I'll have to pay the damages for what I did. All you banned users think you are entitled to forget up again and again and constantly come back deserving of a fresh start. You caused the hatred that is directed towards you so now you get to deal with it. You don't get to criticize the forum saying we don't treat you right because you brought this on yourself from your own actions. Being honest, you both are in the wrong here. You jumped the gun making this drama and Maxx reacted like the violent, damaged little child he is. I'm just tired of dealing with you banned users who feel the need to return again and again.

Newspeed is one of these users, Maxx is one of these users, it is just a huge cesspool of loving morons we are forced to deal with because they can't take the damn hint they aren't wanted here.

Well that ends my rant.
hit the nail on the loving head
i love you

i see your point, but im not "damaged"
im just loving sick and tired of people acting like a ass to me sometimes, i tried to get away from that by being under the name "bin" but people found me out, so you can't say i didn't try.

i see your point, but im not "damaged"
im just loving sick and tired of people acting like a ass to me sometimes, i tried to get away from that by being under the name "bin" but people found me out, so you can't say i didn't try.
people found you out because you still acted like a cunt

i see your point, but im not "damaged"
im just loving sick and tired of people acting like a ass to me sometimes, i tried to get away from that by being under the name "bin" but people found me out, so you can't say i didn't try.
EDIT: every time i was trying to go under an alt on this forum, everyone went into detective mode while i was literally scrambling to hide myself from stuff, why do people try to track down a person who just wants to avoid all the hate and stuff but still visit a unique place? this is a forum, and i have to say, its one of the best ones i've ever visited, despite all the hate and stuff against me and all. 4chan, reddit, and even facepunch combined cant live up to the unique mental mindset this forum gives out.
people found you out because you still acted like a cunt
a third of this forum is probably alts from people who forgeted their reputation in the past, they never got sought out but i did

EDIT: every time i was trying to go under an alt on this forum, everyone went into detective mode while i was literally scrambling to hide myself from stuff, why do people try to track down a person who just wants to avoid all the hate and stuff but still visit a unique place? this is a forum, and i have to say, its one of the best ones i've ever visited, despite all the hate and stuff against me and all. 4chan, reddit, and even facepunch combined cant live up to the unique mental mindset this forum gives out.a third of this forum is probably alts from people who forgeted their reputation in the past, they never got sought out but i did
because we dont want you here
go away already

because we dont want you here
go away already
this is literally what he said he was trying to avoid and not have happen to him

way to stoke the fire

he literally started the argument and he thinks i have a vendetta against him
oh my god

Why the hell is Maxx allowed to get away with this? Why should we have to work around Maxx's short fuse and the fact that he hates everyone who even attempts to call him out on his bullstuff?

iunno guys it seems i'm a bit late to the party but from all the posts quoted by aoki in the post i quoted above, it sure seems like maxx was making less of a love joke and more of a weird love narration
calling him out on that was completely normal, and his lashback was uncalled for

sure, in the argument, lightbox might've snapped and eventually talked back at maxx with his own flavor of insults, but unitially, it seems like all lightbox did was jokingly ask maxx his age after a bad joke post and then maxx flipped the forget out

i might be missing some information here though so feel free to correct me

newspeed asked "aren't you 12?" (which as i've stated before is almost never a legitimate question), and then when maxx comes back with an equally as stupid response

both of them are in the wrong side, but newspeed decided to go and stir crap up instead of thinking before he posted it

i don't really see how jokingly asking maxx if he's 12 after he posts a really bad love 'joke' is such a big insult but hey that's probably just me

hey fun fact i was a massive starfish to glass back in the day and now im SA on his server
weird how people treat you differently if you apologize and fix your stuffty attitude

hey fun fact i was a massive starfish to glass back in the day and now im SA on his server
weird how people treat you differently if you apologize and fix your stuffty attitude
but you still cheat in payday 2... what up with dat

i see your point, but im not "damaged"
im just loving sick and tired of people acting like a ass to me sometimes, i tried to get away from that by being under the name "bin" but people found me out, so you can't say i didn't try.
This is essentially what I was trying to do