Do we really want Blockland to grow to big?

Author Topic: Do we really want Blockland to grow to big?  (Read 7090 times)

Think about it.  Sooner or later we will all become just an id rather than a person in this game.  Kind of like on many games with over 1000000 people playing them.  You are no one there.  Here you are somebody until the community grows to large.

Think about it.  Sooner or later we will all become just an id rather than a person in this game.  Kind of like on many games with over 1000000 people playing them.  You are no one there.  Here you are somebody until the community grows to large.

No unless Bad-spot gets ads . We will be a small communtiy , where every one know every one .

Everyone does not know everyone here....

Also, if it grew that big the following would happen:

Better game because badspot would be able to have an entire team working in the game.

High Ids by todays standards would be low, and we'd all be Gods.

More servers=more options, and more creativity.

More building styles would be creating making for better builds.

A kingdom of add-ons would rise.

Badspot would be a rich bas person.

The main core of people now would stay as a community within a larger one that knows each other, just like there is a community off veteran players...

Couldn't this be applied to.. oh, let's see, real life?
If you want to be someone then stand up and make a difference.

More people = more newbs = the new rune scape, da da da da da da BLOCKLAND  . Realy just imagne if we got advertising there would be so many nooby children , running around asking HOW DO I MEAKE DEASE COOL AD ONS .

Yes, more n00bs, but there also will be more useful people too.

Hence, not everyone joining is a n00b, so why would that change?

Yes, more n00bs, but there also will be more useful people too.

Hence, not everyone joining is a n00b, so why would that change?

But if we go main stream then more kids will come , and they will not be very useful . We still will only have a bucketful of modders .

Think about it: new people = new noobs and new good players

Banninate new noobs(I perma ban, no such thing as a "hour ban" or a "5 min ban")
Teach new good players


It will be alot harder to find your friends.

It will be alot harder to find your friends.
Whenever I try and find someone I know I just join every server, check the player list (F2), then stay or move on.

It will be alot harder to find your friends.

1 word, old player's lounge, people with low IDs (under 5,000) can enter it, all else can't
also a friend finder, which I think RTB is working on

I think more players would mean more noobs, there are already a few little kids around already. I like the idea of a old players lounge.

Why don't we all get a password going around that we al try to rember and then when we host a server for old players we will always used that same password . I am thinking that the pass be SNOT! because no newb would think of that .


Why don't we all get a password going around that we al try to rember and then when we host a server for old players we will always used that same password . I am thinking that the pass be SNOT! because no newb would think of that .

Good one and we could have the password hint be "The most important member in th Blockland community" and all the newbs will think the password is Trader or Space Guy.