
Interest in X-COM:UFO Defense LP?


Author Topic: Let's Play X-COM Long War  (Read 40319 times)

man if you aren't having fun with this anymore feel free to stop

I can't write character dialogue for stuff. Should I just play XCOM:UFO Defense with OpenXCOM instead?

idk man do whatever makes this fun for you

idk man do whatever makes this fun for you

Let's play UFO Defense instead in the future.

why not terror from the deep?  :cookieMonster:

No, but in all seriousness, I think we should play apocalypse.

I think we should play apocalypse.

Ew, Apocalypse. Realtime sucks, all the micromanagement sucks, the aliens are just plain ugly, and the cityscape isn't that interesting to me.

I can't get myself to like Apocalypse, honestly. Plus, theres no OpenXCOM version of Apocalypse yet.

This was a pain to make, mostly because making the gifs took so long. Not sure if I even want to do a UFO Defense LP if GIFs are this painful to work with. I'll probably do without GIFs.

Please note that this will not be a "vanilla" playthrough. OpenXCOM and a ton of modifications will be used.

2:00 PM. Aliens terrorize Dallas. Military forces move in to handle the threat.

Soldier 1: "Jesus Christ. Alien life on Earth?"
Soldier 2: "They really do exist out there. And they want to kill us all."
Soldier 3: "We ain't letting them take Earth! Today we send a message! Don't forget with Humanity!"

Tank Operator:"Gawd-DAMN! One foot out of the plane and I'm taking fire already! Cover the Tank!"

Tank Operator:"X-Rays! Two of them! South of the plane!"

Soldier:"Moving up to provide covering fire! Everyone disembark! HOOAH!"

Soldier: "X-Ray is down!"

Soldier 2: "Here goes! Moving in to flan--- AAARGH!"
Soldier 3: "Man down! MAN DOWN!"

Soldier 4: "H-Hey, whats going on out the--- BLARGH!"

Soldier 3: "You bastard!"

Soldier 5: "I got this one!"


Soldier 5: "forget. Missed."

Soldier 6: "Let me try that for you."


Soldier 6: "Nope."

Soldier 7: "Good lord, can none of you guys shoot straight?"

Civilian 2: N-NO! PLEASE! NO! GOD HELP---

Soldier 6: "Taking fire!"

Tank Operator: "Returning fire."

Soldier 7: "I've spotted what appears to be an alien vehicle! Busting out the Anti-Tank Weaponry!"
Civilian 2: "You there! You've got to hel--- OH GOD NOT THE ROCKET---"

Soldier 7: "Good lord! He got in the way of my rocket! Theres THREE Alien Vehicles out there! Retreat?"

Soldier 6: "The Miniature UFOs are resistant to our Rocket Launchers! Scored a direct hit and it won't die!"

Soldier 1: "Holy stuff! They're EVERYWHERE!"

Soldier 3: "HHHHRRRRRGH!"
Soldier 5: "We're taking casualties!"
Soldier 1: "Keep firing, damn it!"

Soldier 5: "Hot Damn! That Mini-UFO just killed one of it's own with friendly fire!"

Soldier 1: "ACK!"
Soldier 5: "Another man down! No!"
Soldier 6: "We're forgeted! forgetED!"

Soldier 6: "Our rifles suck! They're barely even penetrating the thick armor of that UFO!"

Soldier 7: "HA! I GOT ONE!"

Soldier 6: "HHHNNNNG"


Soldier 7: "This is too much! RETREAT!"
Soldier 9: "I'm already on it, man!"

Soldier 8: "Retreat? Never! CHARGE!"
Soldier 7: "Ohgod ohgod ohgod...."

Soldier 10: "Get us out of here! Earth is no match for these extraterrestrials!"

Following the failure of Earth's militaries to defend against the extraterrestrial threat, representatives from the worlds most economically powerful countries gathered secretly in Geneva. After much debate, the decision was made to establish a covert independent body to combat, investigate and defeat the alien threat. This organization would be equipped with the world's finest pilots, soldiers, scientists and engineers, working together as one multi-national force. This organization was named the EXtraterrestrial COMbat Unit.

Any feedback? Should I continue with the UFO Defense LP? If I do continue, should I put it on Games(not dead) or Community Projects(somewhat dead)?
« Last Edit: July 01, 2015, 09:16:37 PM by tber123 »

to be honest, i got kinda bored of the series,