
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1246367 times)

"It's always the same damned Typhoons and Tornados. Are there a surplus of these loving things or something?"

"With all due respect, ma'am, did you happen to miss the strategic bombers?"
Markus waits, hoping for Crash to say something.
"Crash, orders?"
« Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 11:26:52 PM by Gojira »

Gus continues to climb.

"They have state worship and nationalized factories, they export them too,"

Jaakko starts getting returns on his radar.

"Targets in range. Scorch, prepare to fire on the lead bomber. We'll illuminate the target for you to aid your shot," he says, setting his radar to illuminate the lead bomber.

He looks over his flight.

"Walt, Whiskey, you two are visible. Mind acting as bait? We will cover you from above. Raiden, can you handle the other bomber or those fighters?"
« Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 11:36:59 PM by Mr. Hurricane »

"Copy that, fox three on the lead bomber."
Markus locks on to the lead bomber and fires an RGM at it.

Ellie locks onto the lead bomber to assist the triangulation.

"We're definitely going to run into stealth fighters.."

"Most of our fighters here are stealthy as well. Only Whiskey and Walt aren't,"

"Sure. What exactly are you wanting me to do. Just look threatening?"

"With all due respect, ma'am, did you happen to miss the strategic bombers?"
Markus waits, hoping for Crash to say something.
"Crash, orders?"
"Bombers are boring, we'll off them in no time. I care about the copious amounts of fighters they always seem to have."

Tippy directs her chatter to Jaakko.

"Anything you want me to do? All these objectives make my head spin."

"Head for the bombers, I know there are other fighters around, we'll need to draw them out and draw them off out,"

Tippy acknowledges and looks to close distance with the bombers, lockign onto the lead.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2016, 10:50:43 AM by Tayasaurus »

"Walt, Whiskey, you two are visible. Mind acting as bait? We will cover you from above. Raiden, can you handle the other bomber or those fighters?"
: We'll handle the Typhoons.

Typhoon base EV 84
Experience provides bonus of 4
RGM 1 provides penalty of 45
RGM 2 provides penalty of 45
Test taken at 38
Chaff provides bonus of 40
Roll: 68 - failure
Test failed

Typhoon base EV 84
Experience provides bonus of 4
RGM 1 provides penalty of 45
RGM 2 provides penalty of 45
Test taken at 38
Chaff provides bonus of 40
Roll: 86 - failure
Test failed

Musashi and Yamashiro send some RGMs downrange that look promising.

"Copy that, fox three on the lead bomber."
Markus locks on to the lead bomber and fires an RGM at it.
Condottiero base EV 25
Deploying units provides penalty of 25
RGM provides penalty of 45
Triangulation provides penalty of 45
Test taken at -90
Roll: 33 - failure
Test failed

The Condottiero up front is hit with the RGM as it begins dropping its payload.
: Radar's showing they've got their bay doors open already. But they're still over their own lines, what are they doing?

Her question is answered by the new contacts springing up on your HUDs.

2 turns until Missile Range.

"Aw look, baby airplanes."

"What are those? Missiles?"

Jaakko looks at his radar. The returns start maneuvering.

"Oh joy, drones. Why didn't we bring those Vortexes we just got?"

"Bomber one has released its payload. Also, would a vortex missile do more than take down one drone, though?"
Markus locks on to the first bomber, waiting for triangulation from others.
"I think I can disable the drones by killing that first bomber. Someone help me with triangulation?"
« Last Edit: August 31, 2016, 08:00:05 PM by Gojira »