
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1245876 times)

Ellie quickly grabs her tray of food before heading to the table, trying to listen in on the argument.

Elu attempts to guide you towards the mess hall.
Cualli follows along behind him, not walking as quickly as she used to, but still keeping up. She grabs a plate and puts a bit of food on it, then takes a seat with Elu at an empty table and stares down at her food for a few moments, mentally talking herself into eating what's in front of her. Even though the food itself isn't bad, it might as well be a grey slush that's on her plate with how reluctant she is to eat it.

It's less effort to eat it than it is to refuse to eat it and argue with Elu and draw more negative attention to yourself. Finally convincing herself, Cualli starts mechanically moving her fork to her mouth. She can't taste anything and doesn't even feel like chewing, but she forces herself to anyways. You'll only feel worse if you keep starving yourself.

Ellie quickly grabs her tray of food before heading to the table, trying to listen in on the argument.
: ...Truth be told, I don't remember what she looked like.
: Hold on, I think I have a picture.
: Oh? You got a picture of Nagato on your phone, huh?
: It's from when she, Tippy, an' I went shooting. Why, what were you thinking?
: If I told you the truth would you punch me?
: Probably.
: I think I'll pass.
: Smart man.

Pansar gets out his phone and shows two pictures to the rest of the table. One with just the three of them sitting by a rock, and another with them posing around a general-purpose truck that looks like it was shot a thousand times and then blown up. Morten has one foot up on a burned-out wheel rim and is holding a heavy machine gun at right shoulder arms; Tippy is pointing her rifle off to one side and making a comically exaggerated expression of determination; and Nagato is leaning against the body of the truck, grinning and holding up a handgun nearly the size of her head.
: Man, what is going on with your face?
: It's called a smile, Virvel, it's what I do when I'm not around you. Take notes, you could use some practice on yours.
: I'll keep that in mind.
: I do not look like her.
: I see some resemblence.
: They look nothing alike.
: No, I see it too, mostly in the nose and the hair.
: No no, first off, Coma's at least a head taller than her. Second, that person is proportioned like an actual human being, this one's got less curves than a Nighthawk.
: Ha!
: Wow, okay. And you wonder why I ignore you.
: I'm just saying, she doesn't look like a shoebox with limbs. Look at your jaw! It's almost as square as mine!

Cualli follows along behind him, not walking as quickly as she used to, but still keeping up. She grabs a plate and puts a bit of food on it, then takes a seat with Elu at an empty table and stares down at her food for a few moments, mentally talking herself into eating what's in front of her. Even though the food itself isn't bad, it might as well be a grey slush that's on her plate with how reluctant she is to eat it.

It's less effort to eat it than it is to refuse to eat it and argue with Elu and draw more negative attention to yourself. Finally convincing herself, Cualli starts mechanically moving her fork to her mouth. She can't taste anything and doesn't even feel like chewing, but she forces herself to anyways. You'll only feel worse if you keep starving yourself.
The engineer from before sits across from you about a minute after you sit down.
: Hey, uh, sorry about the other guys earlier. It looked like they were giving you a hard time.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2017, 11:43:46 PM by Qwepir »

The engineer from before sits across from you about a minute after you sit down.
: Hey, uh, sorry about the other guys earlier. It looked like they were giving you a hard time.
"It's not your fault," Cualli tells him. She would flash him a friendly smile, but her face muscles won't cooperate, so her expression remains blank. "I guess I kind of have it coming, really. But thanks anyways." She looks down at her food, pokes it with a fork. "I appreciate it."


Deciding not to put in her two cents on the possible resemblance, Ellie finds an empty seat at the table and sits down next to one of the Djuriskas pilots. She looks over Coma and Fang, giving them a smile.

"So, what did you two think about that last mission, really sucked to not have missiles, right?"

Walter nods in approval and goes about finding a manifest for the new arrival, curious of its intended purpose after the introduction of the skepna prototype.

"It's not your fault," Cualli tells him. She would flash him a friendly smile, but her face muscles won't cooperate, so her expression remains blank. "I guess I kind of have it coming, really. But thanks anyways." She looks down at her food, pokes it with a fork. "I appreciate it."
: Have it coming? What do you mean?


Deciding not to put in her two cents on the possible resemblance, Ellie finds an empty seat at the table and sits down next to one of the Djuriskas pilots. She looks over Coma and Fang, giving them a smile.

"So, what did you two think about that last mission, really sucked to not have missiles, right?"
: Yeah, that was rough. No time for extra flares either.
: At least you actually got to fly it. Me and the Kommandant were sitting on the carrier with our thumbs up our asses the entire time.
: We stomped 'em flat anyway.

Walter nods in approval and goes about finding a manifest for the new arrival, curious of its intended purpose after the introduction of the skepna prototype.
Doing a bit of research into the subject, you find out that the new model Shikras are specialized for loitering fire support, either by making a slow orbit of the target or by hovering like a helicopter. Modifications to the engine allow for increased lateral control while in the VTOL configuration; and the chin turret has an extra 150 degrees of rotation, bringing the total to 270 degrees, as well as an additional weapon mount. Lastly, the coaxial mounts have -10 degrees vertical and +/-5 degrees horizontal traverse; not too much help for targeting fast movers, but a significant boon if you want to acquire ground targets without having to shift the entire airframe or point the nose down. However, the gunship's fire control system is incompatible with many staple air-to-air munitions, such as all-aspect missiles or semi-active radar guided missiles.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2017, 11:36:36 PM by Qwepir »

Tippy passes by the table where Pansar is showing the photos and becomes curious.

"What'r you all oogling at. I wanna see."

: Have it coming? What do you mean?
"It's... complicated," Cualli says. "First tensions were high after that airliner was hijacked, then the person closest to me on this carrier deserted and people are looking to report me for allegedly helping him or being a desertion risk, and now I'm--"

She trails off, realizing she needs to choose her next words carefully or she'll end up in trouble with Frisk. "I thought I'd found an ally who might take up for me or have my back or anything, but I feel like it's just making things worse for me."

The meat on her plate earns itself another stab with her fork. "I thought things would be okay here, but after that hijacking and my friend deserting... I don't know. Things just keep getting worse."

Cualli finally looks across the table at the fellow engineer. "I'm sorry. I'm probably not making much sense here, am I? Aside from Elu here, there's really only one other person I'd ever consider talking to about all this. I've kind of just dumped a heap of nonsense on you just now."

Tippy passes by the table where Pansar is showing the photos and becomes curious.

"What'r you all oogling at. I wanna see."
Pansar gestures at Coma before holding his phone out to display the picture of the three of you.
: Is it just us or does she look a bit like Nagato?

"It's... complicated," Cualli says. "First tensions were high after that airliner was hijacked, then the person closest to me on this carrier deserted and people are looking to report me for allegedly helping him or being a desertion risk, and now I'm--"

She trails off, realizing she needs to choose her next words carefully or she'll end up in trouble with Frisk. "I thought I'd found an ally who might take up for me or have my back or anything, but I feel like it's just making things worse for me."

The meat on her plate earns itself another stab with her fork. "I thought things would be okay here, but after that hijacking and my friend deserting... I don't know. Things just keep getting worse."

Cualli finally looks across the table at the fellow engineer. "I'm sorry. I'm probably not making much sense here, am I? Aside from Elu here, there's really only one other person I'd ever consider talking to about all this. I've kind of just dumped a heap of nonsense on you just now."
The engineer nods, waiting to finish chewing before responding.
: Mm. Sounds rough. Have you tried talking to a chaplain?

One of the Kintharian mechanics sits next to the guy.

Remember all the times you'd go to the temple just to see Arkhip?

Cualli's eyes fall to her plate again at the memories. "I... no. Not that I have anything against them, or going to temple, but... It's a bit of a sad place for me." She's quiet for a few moments before continuing. "I suppose it doesn't hurt to at least try talking to one, though."

Remember how he got stabbed after visiting one with you and Elu?

Remember what he told you in the hospital?

Cualli's grip flexes on her fork.

Pansar gestures at Coma before holding his phone out to display the picture of the three of you.
: Is it just us or does she look a bit like Nagato?
Tippy looks at who she is guessing is Coma and then back to the photo.

"I mean, kinda? Nagato doesn't have nearly as much resting bitchface." She says sarcastically

Remember all the times you'd go to the temple just to see Arkhip?

Cualli's eyes fall to her plate again at the memories. "I... no. Not that I have anything against them, or going to temple, but... It's a bit of a sad place for me." She's quiet for a few moments before continuing. "I suppose it doesn't hurt to at least try talking to one, though."

Remember how he got stabbed after visiting one with you and Elu?

Remember what he told you in the hospital?

Cualli's grip flexes on her fork.
: Yeah. They're sorta the closest thing we have to a psychiatrist on board.
: ...Is this a bad time?
: Nah, it's fine. Hey, thanks for letting me get a picture of the Wyvern, my nephew's gonna freak. You're sure that's okay though, right?
: Of course. It's not that secret of a project anymore.

The two engineers talk among themselves while Elu watches you and makes sure you eat.

Tippy looks at who she is guessing is Coma and then back to the photo.

"I mean, kinda? Nagato doesn't have nearly as much resting bitchface." She says sarcastically
Coma flips Tippy off.

Cualli resumes eating, feeling marginally better after being able to vent a bit to someone. She listens to the two engineers talk while she eats.

Walter nods in approval at the practical approach while reading and then places the documents back where he retrieved them from. He steps back for a moment to look and thinks aloud while he grins about the potential uses.

"Sounds like a ton of fun."