
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1245857 times)

Jaakko wakes up from a nap and looks at the package he had left on his desk. It was sent up from the ground by his father, who within the last weeks had contacted Jaakko again after long years of silence. As far as Jaakko was concerned, the man had come to his senses.

The first package Jaakko received was an engraved 12.7mm casing, chronicling in part the Battle of Taiton. Since then sent up was an engraved metal lighter with imagery alluding to Temple scripture.

Jaakko rights himself and opens the package. Inside is a survival knife, machine engraved, with depictions of events of his career. He is enamored with the artistry and workmanship. He sheaths it, and takes the work of art to show off to Tippy, whom he finds in the mess hall, amongst a crowd of Djuriskas and Mjolnir pilots. Jaakko approaches a few moments after Coma finishes giving Tippy the finger.

"What are we all looking at?"

Coma flips Tippy off.

"Haha, yeah... sorry. I tend to speak my mind. Your face isn't that bad, truthfully. By comparison, nobody else is going to win any contests."

Tippy scans the rest of the table for the new faces if there are any additional and takes a seat.

"How long ago did you join up? I've been doing base chores and I haven't been able to catch up on the squadron changes."

Cualli resumes eating, feeling marginally better after being able to vent a bit to someone. She listens to the two engineers talk while she eats.
The two start talking about personal lives (at least the Aesthian one does, the other is not keen to divulge anything approaching personal information), and Cualli gradually begins to tune them out. She's eventually snapped back into paying attention when her brain notices the conversation has taken a radically different turn.
: You're telling me you can turn the Sabre into a nuclear bomb?
: No, hardly. There's nothing nuclear about it. The vacuum chamber breaches, air gets sucked into the plasma chamber, it gets superheated and expands, and explodes in a white-hot fireball that's up to 2000 kelvin forty meters from the epicenter.
: And they didn't go for it?
: Well, the blast radius isn't that large. It would be bad to have one go off inside their carrier, or directly on the surface, but I guess nobody wanted to be responsible for flying their bomb within 40 meters of an Imperial dreidecker, or trusted their ejection seat to clear the blast.
: Mm. Still, would've been nice to end that without carpet bombing our own town.

Jaakko wakes up from a nap and looks at the package he had left on his desk. It was sent up from the ground by his father, who within the last weeks had contacted Jaakko again after long years of silence. As far as Jaakko was concerned, the man had come to his senses.

The first package Jaakko received was an engraved 12.7mm casing, chronicling in part the Battle of Taiton. Since then sent up was an engraved metal lighter with imagery alluding to Temple scripture.

Jaakko rights himself and opens the package. Inside is a survival knife, machine engraved, with depictions of events of his career. He is enamored with the artistry and workmanship. He sheaths it, and takes the work of art to show off to Tippy, whom he finds in the mess hall, amongst a crowd of Djuriskas and Mjolnir pilots. Jaakko approaches a few moments after Coma finishes giving Tippy the finger.

"What are we all looking at?"
Pansar repeats the question for Crash.

"Haha, yeah... sorry. I tend to speak my mind. Your face isn't that bad, truthfully. By comparison, nobody else is going to win any contests."

Tippy scans the rest of the table for the new faces if there are any additional and takes a seat.
There is a seat, and the only other new face is the guy sitting across from Coma.

"How long ago did you join up? I've been doing base chores and I haven't been able to catch up on the squadron changes."
: I joined up about a year and a half ago, completed training and was assigned to this unit in March. That'd be... about a month ago?

"You mean you couldn't find someone willing to take the bragging rights of 'guy that turned his plane into a bomb and single-handedly blew up a dreidecker'?" Cualli says, raising her eyebrows a bit.

Jaakko looks between the picture and Coma for a few seconds.

"Eh- I see similarities but you'd be hard pressed to call it a resemblance,"

Walter enters the messhall and takes a seat by the engineers as their speaking and listens in on the conversation

"I'd take that over losing my legs, I thought the idea proposed was to drop that engine from a bomber rather than use the whole air frame itself? that carrier was laden with lots of point defense."

"You mean you couldn't find someone willing to take the bragging rights of 'guy that turned his plane into a bomb and single-handedly blew up a dreidecker'?" Cualli says, raising her eyebrows a bit.
Walter enters the messhall and takes a seat by the engineers as their speaking and listens in on the conversation
"I'd take that over losing my legs, I thought the idea proposed was to drop that engine from a bomber rather than use the whole air frame itself? that carrier was laden with lots of point defense."
: Whatever the case, none of 'em did it. Maybe they thought it'd be disrespectful to Geary, trying to go out like he did?

Jaakko looks between the picture and Coma for a few seconds.

"Eh- I see similarities but you'd be hard pressed to call it a resemblance,"
: You know, she really doesn't act like her either. Nagato was a bit of a... you know...
: Hothead?
: Moro- yes, that works too.

: Whatever the case, none of 'em did it. Maybe they thought it'd be disrespectful to Geary, trying to go out like he did?
"Maybe. But it would seem kind of... Dumb, I guess, for them to opt for maximum collateral rather than minimum collateral just over... I dunno." Cualli cuts off another piece of meat and looks it over. "Guess it just seems like a waste to me."

"Yeah, it's not much of a resemblance at all, just the hair, really."

Ellie digs into her food.

: Whatever the case, none of 'em did it. Maybe they thought it'd be disrespectful to Geary, trying to go out like he did?

"I don't think it'd be disrespectful, none of us had the guts to try it." Walter looks back at his food and take another bite, showing a somber look of self-reflection momentarily before returning back to his normal expression.

"Maybe. But it would seem kind of... Dumb, I guess, for them to opt for maximum collateral rather than minimum collateral just over... I dunno." Cualli cuts off another piece of meat and looks it over. "Guess it just seems like a waste to me."

"All that collateral hurts our economic ability, It's more junk we have to spend money on to fix. In the grand scheme even if it's just some office buildings or strip malls; that's cash that could've been spent somewhere else."

« Last Edit: August 08, 2017, 10:41:27 PM by Badger »

"All that collateral hurts our economic ability, It's more junk we have to spend money on to fix. In the grand scheme even if it's just some office buildings or strip malls; that's cash that could've been spent somewhere else."
"Not to mention it's more sh-- stuff we'll have to rebuild and redevelop once the war's over."

"I shall call you, New-Nagato." Tippy says, shoving a massive spoonful of mac-n-geez into her mouth.

"I shall call you, New-Nagato." Tippy says, shoving a massive spoonful of mac-n-geez into her mouth.

"They're polar opposites, how could she be the new Nagato? Nagato actually looked interested in the world around her,"

"They're polar opposites, how could she be the new Nagato? Nagato actually looked interested in the world around her,"

"Silence. New-Nagato, cut down this knave." Tippy jokes, imitating a prissy noble.

"Not to mention it's more sh-- stuff we'll have to rebuild and redevelop once the war's over."
: 'Least there'll be jobs for people after the war's over.
: That's a rather thin silver lining, don't you think?

"I shall call you, New-Nagato." Tippy says, shoving a massive spoonful of mac-n-geez into her mouth.
"They're polar opposites, how could she be the new Nagato? Nagato actually looked interested in the world around her,"
"Silence. New-Nagato, cut down this knave." Tippy jokes, imitating a prissy noble.
Coma just frowns and stares off into space.
: Oh look. Good going guys, you broke her.
: You know, she's starting to remind me a bit of someone else...
: Don't.
: Hmm?
: Whatever you're about to say, don't say it.