
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1246931 times)

"Ah. forget it."

Gerowitz aims for Pistol 2-2's roosterpit and fires her sole remaining gauss rifle.

Scorch aims and fires his EML at Pistol 1-3.

"[I think we could use a little help here.]"

Ellie fires two seekers at Pistol 2-3 and 2-4.

: Let's regroup with what's left of the strike package.

Lorens settles down and catches his breath. The Tornado appears to be airworthy, at least for the time being.

Ash's heart skips as beat as he hears the thunderous noise behind him. Relieved that it wasn't actually a warhead going off, he continues running towards the light source at the end of the street.

"Bell, we only have seven minutes! We can't waste time regrouping with the formation!"

".. Sorry Colonel, I'm going to have to agree with Crash," Lorens chimes in, looking out the canopy to the rest of his flight, "If we regroup with the main formation, the enemy fighters will only wear us down till we can't fight. It's either now or never."

"Let's regroup with what's left of the strike package."
"Bell, we only have seven minutes! We can't waste time regrouping with the formation!"
".. Sorry Colonel, I'm going to have to agree with Crash," Lorens chimes in, looking out the canopy to the rest of his flight, "If we regroup with the main formation, the enemy fighters will only wear us down till we can't fight. It's either now or never."
: Yeah! Let's just charge in there, where we're outnumbered by airships with guns the size of our planes, and die!

"Ah. forget it."

Gerowitz aims for Pistol 2-2's roosterpit and fires her sole remaining gauss rifle.
AKM accuracy 55
Experience provides bonus of  8
Called Shot (roosterpit) provides penalty of  20
Test taken at 43
Roll: 14 - success

The Gauss rifle fires one last shot before automatically shutting down to prevent the heat damage from getting worse, punching through the Corsair from end to end.

Scorch aims and fires his EML at Pistol 1-3.
EML accuracy 40
Aim provides bonus of  10
Test taken at 50
Roll: 33 - success

Unlike the Foxbat, the Corsair is quite vulnerable to electrical disruption. The shot connects and the enemy plane begins losing altitude.

"[I think we could use a little help here.]"
Ellie fires two seekers at Pistol 2-3 and 2-4.
Corsair base EV 75
Experience provides bonus of  8
HSM provides penalty of  25
Test taken at 58
Roll (2-3): 56 - success
Roll (2-4): 72 - failure

Pistol 2-4 is hit. 2-3 returns fire with two all-aspects.

Yamashiro puts down Pistol 1-2, and Kilo 2-2 opens fire on Ajka.
AC5 accuracy 50
Experience provides bonus of  8
Aim provides bonus of  20
Test taken at 78
Roll: 83 - failure

It misses with the gun and then fires a pair of missiles.

Now at point Blank range of enemy planes.

Ash's heart skips as beat as he hears the thunderous noise behind him. Relieved that it wasn't actually a warhead going off, he continues running towards the light source at the end of the street.
You step into the light at the end of the street- apparently, the owner of a storefront neglected to turn off a gas lantern hanging outside in all the commotion. The street you find yourself on now is wide enough that you cannot make out just how far across it is to the other side, and in what you assume to be the middle of the street you see the faint glint of metal rails. A thunderous roar to your left draws attention to a surface to air missile, launching from a side street a few blocks down.

Scorch aims and fires his LCP at Pistol 1-3.

: Yeah! Let's just charge in there, where we're outnumbered by airships with guns the size of our planes, and die!
"Or, we don't take out the airships, and we die anyways, I'd bet," Walt reminds her.

"Oh, you're in for it now!"

Ajka pops 2 flares and evades before trying to get on the tail of Kilo 2-2, finally in dogfighting range.

Ellie pops two flares and attempts to dodge the missiles again.

Lorens stays quiet and stares soberly at the warning lights on the panel. He wonders how the other half of Kobalt is fairing.

Back down on the street, Ash decides to head to where the surface-to-air missile was launched. He jogs down the side street and slows down as he approaches the battery.

"Or, we don't take out the airships, and we die anyways, I'd bet," Walt reminds her.
: Well, not necessarily...

Scorch aims and fires his LCP at Pistol 1-3.
LCP accuracy 50
Aim provides bonus of  10
Point Blank Range provides bonus of  20
Test taken at 80
Roll: 20 - success

Scorch hits the falling Corsair right in the nose, finishing it off.

"Oh, you're in for it now!"

Ajka pops 2 flares and evades before trying to get on the tail of Kilo 2-2, finally in dogfighting range.
Nosferatu base EV 87
Experience provides bonus of  8
Flares provides bonus of  80
AAM 1 provides penalty of  35
AAM 2 provides penalty of  35
Test taken at 105
Roll: 36 - success

Nosferatu base EV 87
Experience provides bonus of 8
Gerowitz's test taken at 95
Flanker base EV 75
Experience provides bonus of 8
Kilo 2-2's test taken at 83
Gerowitz's roll: 79 - success by 2 degrees
Supermaneuverable: 73 - success by 3 degrees
Kilo 2-2's roll: 96 - failure
Supermaneuverable: 82 - success by 1 degree

Gerowitz swings her plane around behind the incoming Flanker.

Ellie pops two flares and attempts to dodge the missiles again.
Tukreb base EV 75
Experience provides bonus of  8
Flares provides bonus of  80
AAM 1 provides penalty of  35
AAM 2 provides penalty of  35
Test taken at 93
Roll: 63 - success

You're safe.

Pistol 2-3 attempts to get behind Ellie, and 2-4 behind Scorch.
Corsair base EV 75
Experience provides bonus of 8
Pistol 2-3's test taken at 83
Tukreb base EV 75
Experience provides bonus of 8
Skytracer's test taken at 83
Pistol 2-3 roll: 86 - failure
Skytracer's roll: 56 - success by 3 degrees
Supermaneuverable: 90 - failure

Corsair base EV 75
Experience provides bonus of 8
Pistol 2-4's test taken at 83
Typhoon base EV 82
Scorch's test taken at 82
Pistol 2-4 roll: 15 - success by 7 degrees
Scorch's roll: 82 - success by 1 degree

Ellie gives 2-3 the slip, but 2-4 catches Scorch in his sights.

Back down on the street, Ash decides to head to where the surface-to-air missile was launched. He jogs down the side street and slows down as he approaches the battery.
You barely get out of the glow of the lantern before hearing a deafening crack in your right ear. Then, another, followed by a spark flashing on the asphalt several meters in front of you as a third projectile goes whistling past.

Ajka takes a few seconds to line up a firing solution before blasting away at the Flanker with her PPCs.

: Well, not necessarily...
Walt realizes that Virvel probably won't be affected by the whole 'but think of all the people you could save by risking your life' spiel and instead goes for something a little more suited to her. "You really want to pass up a chance to close the gap between our killcounts?"