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Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1278670 times)

"I see."

Ajka takes a moment, ruminating on the sacrifices of the Aesthian auxillary unit.

"I suppose Walt was the one who shot down the Sol, right?"

Ellie scratches her head.

"I don't really remember, but since he was our top scoring ace, he probably took one down at some point.."

"Why do you ask?"

Ellie scratches her head.

"I don't really remember, but since he was our top scoring ace, he probably took one down at some point.."

"Why do you ask?"
Her eyes sharpen, and she focuses herself.

"He was infamous in our circles as a very dangerous pilot. I'm surprised he decided to fly into the carrier- it seems almost unreal for him to sacrifice himself for us, considering the dozens of us he shot down."

She relaxes back in the bed, giving out a deep sigh of relief.

"I'm glad he was on our side though. Without you Aesthians, it would've been impossible."

Her eyes sharpen, and she focuses herself.

"He was infamous in our circles as a very dangerous pilot. I'm surprised he decided to fly into the carrier- it seems almost unreal for him to sacrifice himself for us, considering the dozens of us he shot down."

She relaxes back in the bed, giving out a deep sigh of relief.

"I'm glad he was on our side though. Without you Aesthians, it would've been impossible."


Ellie tilts her head to the side.

"So, what are you planning on doing after you get out?"


Ellie tilts her head to the side.

"So, what are you planning on doing after you get out?"
"Not sure," she mutters, "With the extent of my wounds, getting in the pilot's seat is verboten. I'll see if they have any need for an Aesthian translator in the armed forces- I'm sure there's a spot somewhere."

She closes her eyes for a moment and sighs in disappointment, regretful that her career was short and persistently marred with serious personal injury. Ajka was in the clinical ward and out of a fighter aircraft again, and for good this time. Locking away her tears and meeting Ellie with a surface expression full of stoic resolve, she returns the question. She opens her eyes and focuses back on Ellie.

"What are your post-war plans? I'm sure we've given you an opportunity to stay here for good, no?"

"Not sure," she mutters, "With the extent of my wounds, getting in the pilot's seat is verboten. I'll see if they have any need for an Aesthian translator in the armed forces- I'm sure there's a spot somewhere."

She closes her eyes for a moment and sighs in disappointment, regretful that her career was short and persistently marred with serious personal injury. Ajka was in the clinical ward and out of a fighter aircraft again, and for good this time. Locking away her tears and meeting Ellie with a surface expression full of stoic resolve, she returns the question. She opens her eyes and focuses back on Ellie.

"What are your post-war plans? I'm sure we've given you an opportunity to stay here for good, no?"

"I'll probably just settle down. I don't really have anywhere else to go, since I can't go back home after what we did."

“Do you think that the war is over now?” he asks in a somber tone.
Musashi sighs.
: God, I loving hope so.

"I'll probably just settle down. I don't really have anywhere else to go, since I can't go back home after what we did."
"I see," Ajka replies, "With any luck, we'll see each other again."

She pauses, wondering what to say next.

"I wish you luck," Ajka gleams, "Wherever you go."

She lies back in the bed, grinding her teeth and bottling down the pain of her bandages rubbing against her scorched and shredded skin. Ajka imagined her recuperation and reintegration into a Zentragoth at relative peace. It would take months, if not years of physical rehabilitation to repair her broken body if the searing pain she felt every time she moved was any indication. Still, her condition was not nearly as bad as some others, and she was grateful that with enough time and determination, she could heal well enough to live almost normally, even though she could never pilot a fighter again.


To say that the Coalition's failed strike left their air corps gutted would be quite the understatement. Over 85% of their Aerial fleet was destroyed and all 1,700 personnel involved in the operation were captured or killed, leaving the Air Force with only a handful of experienced pilots left in service. Though the Imperium lost more than twice as many personnel, their losses consisted mostly of inexperienced reservists, and hardly had an effect on the war effort overseas. The resultant discrepancy in the overall flying skill of both sides as well as the amount of materiel able to be mustered guaranteed near-total Imperial domination of the skies on the Aesthian front. Coalition forces in South Aesthia were steadily pushed back to the Oregundian border, where they once again entered a stalemate.

At the same time, Mercanan forces had expelled the remaining enemy forces from most of southern Kiraza, leaving the Kingdom of Malanta the only Imperial-aligned state remaining on the continent. Kintharia had also managed to contain the Imperium in Shi Akegata, catching the Gothic armies and their allies between them and the Mercanans, as well as between them and Xaria in the north. As months went by with very few changes in territory gained or lost, the Kintharian and Mercanan populations began to grow war-weary. After all, the Huitzitlatoani were defeated, the Goths hadn't set foot in Mercana in almost four years, and neither party had even set foot on Kintharia's shores. Following Kintharia's suggestion, the GTO began to sue for peace- despite Aesthia's disapproval.

The Second World War officially drew to a close with the signing of the Treaty of Carcassonne in Gervesia on 40/3/4921, marking the end of the second most destructive conflict in human history. Around forty million people would lay dead by the end of the fighting, more than fifty percent of the previous Great War's death toll. Nominally, the outcome was a GTO victory, as they had managed to complete their goal of defeating the Huitzitlatoani Empire; but the Gothic representatives during negotiations outright refused any notion that the Imperium should pay any reparations to the victors. The Coalition's attempted nuclear attack, they said, was more than enough justification to respond in kind to the rest of the GTO, and they stated in no uncertain terms that the only offer they or their people would accept would be a return to status quo. Ultimately, the settlement resulted in a white peace- no reparations would be paid by either side, and no territory ceded.

The HUITZITLATOANI EMPIRE was no more. The violent conflict between rival generals, which culminated in days of back-and-forth nuclear exchange left fifteen million dead from the civilian population alone. Overall, accounting for both military and civilian dead during the Second World War itself, the 4921 population of the Delta was estimated at less than thirty percent of what it was before. Mercana would attempt to enact an extensive Deltan rebuilding plan in the hopes of stabilizing the region and spreading democracy, but it was not meant to be. The capital of the fledgeling interim government was besieged on all sides the moment Mercana began pulling out of the region, and though their benefactors sent troops to mount a defense, they were overrun. Mercanan citizens were outraged at the apparent waste of lives and resources, and fearing for their jobs, Commonwealth officials decided to wash their hands of the whole mess and leave the people of the Delta to fend for itself.

The NORTH AESTHIAN COALITION would suffer great internal strife in the years following the war, as member states began pointing fingers and accusing each other for sabotaging the war effort. Five members had seceded from the Coalition by the New Year 4925, and facing the possibility of a total breakdown of the coalition, the remaining eight states brought the last two back into the fold in a brief but brutal civil war. Oregundia would throw in its lot with the Principality of South Aesthia, while Krellia and Vepsia would remain independent. Over the next twenty years, the Coalition government would take great strides to consolidate power at the top, including a concentrated effort to erase long-standing traditions in favor of a manufactured Aesthian cultural identity. The New Aesthian Man would be strong in both mind and body, maintain good spiritual and physical health, stand ever vigilant for seditious actors seeking to undermine the democratic process of the newly-christened Aesthian Federation, and jump at the chance to serve the Federation selflessly in whatever capacity asked of him. Time has yet to tell just what effect this national restructuring and accompanying cultural revolution will have on the region, but the Federation's neighbors are already nervous.

Though the GOTHIC EMPIRE had endured the war relatively intact, it very nearly crumbled during the resulting peace. The strain of fulfilling its obligation to its many subjects to assist in post war reconstruction, having to cope with the massive influx of wounded and invalids returning to civilian life, and convincing the vengeful civilian populace that a white peace was acceptable despite them having the first taste of blood in their mouths for over a century, all while replenishing the vast manpower and materiel losses it took during the six years of fighting, weighed heavily on Victor Cypristar fish and his Imperium. Fortunately, after much deliberation, King Conrad Mittermeier of Aurussica came to the understanding that it was in both nations' best interests that all Aurussican territory and holdings be ceded to the Gothic Empire. With the signing of the Great Charter of Aurussican Integration on 12/4/4926, Aurussica ceased to exist as an independent state, and the Imperium gained unrestricted access to a wide swath of resources and deep manpower pool for which to repair its subjects' roads, refill its own coffers, and replenish its ranks. Dissent from formerly-Aurussican citizens was swiftly dealt with, and the Imperium was back on its feet in only a few years. As were its overseas subjects, though they began to wonder among themselves if or when the Goths would be coming for them too.

Many Kirazan countries left in ruin would turn to the MERCANAN COMMONWEALTHS for aid after the end of the war, which they were more than willing to provide. Over the timespan of about four years, more than a hundred billion CMD in aid was given to the nations of southern Kiraza to rebuild their industries and economies following harsh occupation by Ecatlan Pact forces. This show of overwhelming generosity won the Commonwealths much admiration from their neighbors, and a second plan was already being laid out to provide similar aid to the Delta by 4925. However, this vast overseas expenditure was met with harsh criticism from many of Mercana's own; especially those along the formerly Deltan-occupied east coast, who questioned why outside countries were seemingly prioritized over Mercanan citizens. The typically underperforming Mercana First Party won several unprecedented local and commonwealth-level seats in the 4926 election year, and despite predictions to the contrary, would remain a relevant player in Mercanan politics for decades to come.

Mercanan and even Gothic intervention in Shi Akegata proved to be quite the boon for the KINTHARIAN REPUBLIC in the years after the war. Both outside factions had been brought to blows with the many militant groups in the fractured states constituting the old empire, and done a thorough job wiping them out. Kintharian forces were able to mop up what little hostile resistance remained in small scale campaigns primarily utilizing drones instead of human soldiers. Assistance in post-war reconstruction was lended to the regional powers who fought alongside Kintharia and the GTO, and KZG-installed puppet governments were set up in those which threw their lot in with the Goths and Huitzitlatoani. After decades of turmoil following the collapse of the Kintharian Empire, peaceful coexistence finally became the status quo in Shi Akegata.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2018, 01:32:45 AM by Qwepir »

XIAOMEI BAOCUN died at 16:44:35 on 32/6/4922, during the test flight of a prototype reconnaissance aircraft. Official reports stated: XR-20 serial number 14-4244 encountered a fire resulting from the breaking of an improperly-installed oil line. During acceleration to Mach 1.2, engine vibrations and noise caused the pilot to check oil pressure, which was below 30 psi and dropping rapidly. XR-20 14-4244 commenced a return to base due to the malfunction, beginning final approach at 2500 meters and 500 kph. On descending approach to the Chokusu Mountain Facility, the pilot noted oil pressure had dropped to zero. Radio failure occurred as pilot transmitted difficulties, including reports of smoke entering the roosterpit. At approximately 350 meters, the plane banked left 60 degrees and subsequently crashed. XR-20 14-4244 exploded on impact with the ground 3400 meters from Runway 2.

HOMURA YAMASHIRO continued to fly for the Kintharian Air Force at the head of a squadron consolidated from several other depleted units. In the countries of Clipton and Highler Ridge, she and her squadron hammered Imperial positions and fought off swarms of drones all the way up until the cessation of hostilities. She continued to serve in the military even after the birth of her son on 5/10/4921, albeit no longer in a combat role. In 4930, Yamashiro retired from the Air Force after 25 years of service, having reached the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Not willing to simply lounge around at home for the rest of her days after her son had gone off to military academy, she and her husband would travel abroad frequently. Sometimes by plane, other times by boat, but their most ambitious sightseeing excursion would be via their own car- traveling Mercana by road on a route that would visit every commonwealth capital. From the MCS Locklear museum ship in Almapolis, down south to the Elco City Motor Speedway, and back up north to Wykasstchay at the foot of the Sierra Vasto, the Yamashiros would be on the road for just over two months.

ILONA AND COAXOCH MUSASHI would resettle to northern Kintharia in the years following the former's discharge from the military. Not content to simply live off of Ilona's pension, they quickly found work at Zsuzsa National Park. Coaxoch faced no small amount of inequity from her Kintharian peers regarding her heritage- not to mention intimidating stature, but her experience behind the flight stick would land her a career as a park service aviator. Ilona on the other hand, would never fly again, owing to her permanent consignment to a medical exoskeleton. She would instead work a clerical position for a spell, before becoming a trail guide. Able to live comfortably between both of their incomes, Ilona would donate much of her pension to various charities. During the 4928 Laifeng earthquake and tsunami, the two of them would lend assistance in a more hands-on manner. Coaxoch and a few of her colleagues joined search-and-rescue teams, and Ilona volunteered at the relief camp set up by the ICBS.

LISA NAGATO, broken and disillusioned, left the military upon returning home and withdrew from society entirely. Kintharia being the highly automated country that it was, she found it all too easy to follow a reclusive lifestyle. Anything a human being could possibly want or need could be bought online and delivered by drone, without the recipient even needing to get out of bed. For eight years Lisa never left her house, with her two surviving squadmates being her only regular source of human contact. By the time she was 34, however, money was beginning to run out. Faced with the very real possibility of ending up homeless and with the support from Ilona and her former squadron leader, Lisa would finally snap out of her depressive stupor. To make ends meet, she took a menial job as a fuel jockey at Luzhou International Airport, where she would have a chance meeting with Ash Zaman just three months in. He had been living there since the early 20s and had amassed quite the list of contacts in such a short time, and a list of flying prospects was something he was more than happy to share with her. Through one of Ash's acquaintances, Lisa would finally find a full-time career as an air-tour pilot, flying single-engine props up and down the east coast and nearby islands.

On 27/3/4921, SVEN FALK and 153 other prisoners, mostly Aesthian, attempted a breakout of the Cuxhaven Military Detention Camp. After killing three guards and using their weapons to secure additional armaments from the barracks, the prisoners moved on the motor pool to secure transport out of the camp. Twenty vehicles were captured, but the prison commandant had already ordered the only road access blockaded with commandeered civilian vehicles, cutting off the Aesthian plan of escape. The would-be escapees refused to back down even as Imperial Guard forces surrounded the camp, and an hours-long standoff ensued. Two hours into the siege, aerial support arrived from Arx Cypristar fish in the form of one VTOL carrying four power armored soldiers and a second VTOL with a sniper team on board. Ultimately, only 9 of the initial 1,683 Coalition airmen who took part in the battle of Zentragothora would survive to return home, and Sven was not among them.

RIKARD ZOLNEROWICH continued to serve in the Aesthian Air Force as an instructor at Corpus Kolos Airbase for many years after the end of the war. The death of his wife during childbirth in 4933 weighed heavily on him, and he ended up using his work as an outlet for his frustrations. Despite his semi-frequent temper flares and extensive use of corporal punishment, Rikard was judged to be an effective tutor by his fellow officers, and was respected in hindsight by most who graduated under him. Following the deaths of two of his students on their first combat sortie in Palestra, he finally snapped. On the morning of 6/9/4935, he walked down to the base's docks, flashed his ID, and stole an ekranoplan that was being readied for patrol duty. Jets were scrambled to pursue, but were reportedly unable to locate the stolen craft. Rikard was presumed to have crashed or run out of fuel in the ocean, but no wreck was ever found.

Suffering a severe injury to his lower back, MORTEN BERGMAN would never walk again, much less fly. He was given an honorable discharge and returned to his home in Saarivaara, where he would frequently disappear into his workshop for days at a time to work on his garage guns. Financial troubles stemming from his injury forced him to sell some of his finished projects to make ends meet, and upon seeing the interest his handmade hand cannons drew at the swap meet (and the prices offered for them) he decided to make a living out of it. Taking out a loan and obtaining the proper license, he began working out of home with two of his sons manufacturing novelty, oversized-caliber firearms and rounds for recreational shooting. By 4942, Bergman & Sons Outdoor Company had grown significantly and its focus had expanded to more practical civilian firearm manufacturing. In 4946, he was approached by Aesthian firearms conglomerate Toivonen with an offer to buy his business from him- an offer which he readily accepted, retiring at 65 to a ranchhouse in the Liettuan countryside.

After being released from Cuxhaven Military Detention Camp, ILLARION FRISK and a handful of like-minded individuals who met there got together to found their own private military firm. Ultima Thule Security Services began operations in the Chryssali Islands in 4925, providing training and logistical support to local forces as well as Coalition-aligned forces overseas. During the Aesthian Civil War, Thule fought on the side of the separatists, and plundered the inventory of Shatlovo Air Force Base following its brief capture by Grevegardan forces. Eleven Conglomerated Avionics combat jets were stolen from the air base and relocated to separatist territory, with Frisk himself taking the last one out. Though the civil war would end with the separatists crushed, Frisk and his cohorts made out like bandits. Under Illarion's tenure as CEO following the civil war, Ultima Thule would transition into a fully fledged mercenary battallion, with over a thousand ex-separatist soldiers, more than two dozen combat vehicles, and a full squadron of aircraft. Illarion and his company would go on to offer more than just logistical support in the years to come, even fighting on the front lines during the attempted Aesthian Federation annexation of Palestra. Unfortunately, Illarion would not live to see the heights his company would go on to reach. In late Chryssali winter, 4936, he would be killed when his limousine veered off the road and into the forest at 70 miles per hour.

ARKHIP ORLOV dutifully continued his tour with the Imperial Air Force, the Coalition attack only reinforcing his belief that he made the right decision leaving the country behind. One month after the battle of Zentragothora, he was approached by Bell Kibble, who had caught word that Cualli was being held at Cuxhaven Detention Camp and was attempting to broker her release. Arkhip would corroborate Bell's assessment of her character and offer her a place to stay once she was released from the prison. The Aurussican integration soured Arkhip's opinion of the Imperium, though he never let on to anyone apart from his wife. Despite his doubts, he continued to serve the Imperium for years to come, feeling more at home in Zentragothora than he ever did in North Aesthia.

ADRIAN PALADIUS would become a minor celebrity in the eyes of the Imperium following the war. His beginnings as a young cadet thrust into a pitched aerial engagement, subsequent capture and impressment by the Huitzitlatoani, participation in the sinking of the rogue Deltan armada, and his role in defending the Imperial City from the Aesthians, made him a person of great interest to the general public- and by extension, the Ministry of Culture. Though he tried staying out of the public eye, feeling unworthy of admiration by the lower classes and irritated by the constant prying of the press, his fiancee at the time convinced him that he could use the attention to both his and the peoples' benefit. Adrian made the transition to politics following the completion of his service in the Air Force, using his popularity back home to take a seat in the elected Lusitania Provincial General Assembly. His pushes for increased provincial self-governance and insinuation that the Aurussica situation would set a dangerous precedent made him well-liked among the population back home; but his peers in the Assembly viewed him as an overly-ambitious upstart at best, and outright seditious at worst. In 4932, the Provincial General Assembly voted to appoint Adrian as one of Lusitania's representatives to the Imperial senate, kicking him upstairs to where they hoped his outspoken voice would either be drowned out, or forcibly muzzled.

CUALLI and ELU remained interned at Cuxhaven Detention Center even after the end of the war. Strangely enough, Elu was not taken away to be reprogrammed. Though neither of them knew it at the time, it was due to the Goths not seeing Elu being worth the risk to wipe and reprogram. Had they tried, Helios would have come down on them; either for not keeping track of their labor platforms, or for failing to maintain a proper maintenance schedule regarding the unit's mental health. Bell and Arkhip were able to negotiate Cualli's release into the Imperium, and she completed her preliminary civics test upon release. Elu, on the other hand, would not be allowed to stay. Left very short notice and seeing no alternative, Cualli would be forced to entrust him to the temple in Moratov, where he would assist the astronomers there as a scribe. After returning to the Imperium, Cualli would take Arkhip's last name and find work as a maintenance technician at Zentragothora International.

ELLIE BRIGHAM took the Imperium up on their offer of a land parcel and cash reward, intending to live out the rest of her days in Austerra. She would use about a third of the money to attend language courses and later, the Arcadia Agricultural University, where she would meet her future spouse. Another hundred thousand aurei would go towards equipment and supplies needed to actually work the land, where she and her partner would primarily grow various grains. Ellie would lead a mostly solitary life, typically only occasionally venturing out to the nearby historic fortress-village to pick up groceries, use the library computer to check up on global events, or for the yearly harvest festival.

Though AJKA GEROWITZ's days in the roosterpit were over, her service to the Imperium continued for decades to come. Granted an honorable discharge from the military owing to her selfless role in the battle of Zentragothora, Ajka would instead settle in teaching the Aesthian language at Nord Belgic Military Academy. Despite being commonly mistaken for a student even into her thirties, she found it an overall fulfilling way of life. Fifteen years to the day after the Battle of Zentragothora, Ajka would receive an invitation to share her story with a documentary film of the events- as well as make a cameo appearance in one of the dramatizations. Not as herself—the role of "Ajka Gerowitz" was played by a 15-year-old boy—but as the captain of the destroyer Ultor. Ajka's career at the academy carried on long enough for her to teach all three of her children when they too were old enough to attend.

BELL KIBBLE continued to serve for the Imperial Air Force, even despite her list of bloody accomplishments for the Coalition. Her unique experiences flying and for Aesthia put her in high demand as an OPFOR commander during Imperial war games, when she wasn't serving as a flight instructor at Arx Theodulf. Following some unfortunate politicking from the Imperial higher ups, she would find herself in the Captain's chair of an aging heavy transport designated TVN-MMCXLVIII. Though typically an uneventful assignment, Major Kibble would once again taste the thrill of combat during the final leg of a routine trans-oceanic resupply operation to Coryza in 4942. While on final approach to the destination naval port, startlingly well-equipped Coryzan separatists attempted to ambush the token Imperial garrison there- beginning with the attempted shootdown of her transport as it entered the harbor. Brushing off her first officer's suggestion that they set down immediately, Bell ordered the crew to battle stations and the helm to take them over the city. Remembering her experience dealing with Deltan combat airships over Tultitlan, she reasoned that Coryzan rebels would be less willing to pull the trigger on an airship that would kill hundreds of Coryzan citizens in a crash. Her deduction ultimately proved correct, as the missiles stopped coming as soon as her airship was over the shore. From her elevated position, she would lend the garrison valuable assistance in spotting possible rebel movements, as well as eliminating confirmed positions with pinpoint accuracy using her airship's ventral point-defense laser. For her actions during the short battle, she would receive both a formal reprimand and a medal.

JAAKKO KIRVES became a useful tool for the advancement of Kintharian interests abroad. Working under Xiaomei for the few months until her death, he adopted the identity of Gleb Nordskov- an independent Aesthian mercenary with a privately owned twin-boom twinprop attack plane, who lends his services to the highest bidder. Of course, said bidder in Gleb's case would almost always be a KZG front, and they were not paying him at all beyond smuggling his dogs out of Aesthia and providing him with housing. Under the Kintharians' leash, he would undertake a number of high-risk operations both in Shi Akegata and overseas. Ducking into canyons in Highler Ridge to approach insurgent camps undetected with a payload of nanosuit-clad KZG goons, strafing rebel positions with enough machine guns to have an effect on airspeed, landing at night under fire on the Kerivan Steppes to extract a commando team and the leader they captured, airdropping stolen Imperial weapons to Coryzan resistance cells; all just a day's work for Gleb.

Neither one wanting to stomach another moment in the Imperium, ASH AND LORENS ZAMAN got on the first plane to Malanta the moment Lorens was back on his feet. From there, they caught a flight up to Luzhou to meet up with their uncle Yusuf and start a life in Kintharia. Work openings were scarce, especially for immigrants, and their first jobs were not glamorous to say the least. Ash worked for peanuts tending bar at a seedy nightclub, while Lorens would take a warehouse job in the city docks. As the years went by and their citizenship became more "legitimate" in the eyes of their peers, their attempts to find work were taken more seriously. After three years of monotonous labor at the docks, Lorens got his break as an airline pilot; and two years and as many jobs later, so would Ash.

Though Mjolnir's entire record was struck from Aesthian History, their service as Kobalt Maniple would be immortalized forever in Zentragothora's Memorial Square. More than three contiguous hectares of city surrounding the crash site of the Odslighet were not fully restored, and are now home to more than a dozen individual monuments. One such memorial, standing in a semicircle across from a preserved and mangled hull panel of the Aesthian flagship, consists of ten statues depicting the pilots of Kobalt. One, depicting Ajka Gerowitz, is cast in brass; while the other nine are steel, said to have been reused from the destroyed Aesthian airships.

34/2/4892 - 34/2/4920
Spent his own life in the
defense of those he once
swore to defeat. May his
final mercy be honored for
as long as time itself.
40/4/4887 - 34/2/4920
The emotional lynchpin of
her squadron, who would
mastermind their defection.
May her gentle soul find
rest in her gods' care.
12/6/4890 -           
Scored seven air to air
victories and directly
assisted in the decimation
of the nuclear bomber
10/10/4894 -           
Gothic attache and moral
compass of Kobalt Maniple.
Two times ace in a day,
two millimeters short of
becoming a martyr.
4/8/4889 - 34/2/4920
Due to his selfless acts
during the defense, an
entire classroom of cadets
would live on. No more
noble a savage has ever
been observed.
11/3/4889 -           
One of Kobalt's deadliest
pilots, dueling numerous
enemy aces and emerging
victorious every time.
21/7/4891 -             
Soft spoken and humble off
the battlefield, an outlier
among his people. A father
to his men, placing their
lives above his own.
13/4/4889 - 34/2/4920
Not so much a man as she
was violence given form.
Inspired those who flew
alongside her through
sheer intimidation.
13/7/4887 -             
Sought out and assisted
militia forces on the ground
from the moment his plane
was shot from under him.
His courage is an example
to us all.
27/5/4894 -             
Singlehandedly accounted for
the destruction of at least
two nuclear bombers. Brother
of Ash Zaman, and proof that
moxie runs in the family.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2018, 08:29:10 AM by Qwepir »