Author Topic: Dear Society, Please Stop With the Race Card  (Read 9691 times)

what you genuinely believe discrimination is over? you were homeschooled, right?
Human Trafficking doesn't exist exclusively in the states.
You're just pulling up the only relevant information that say: white people bad

I'm sorry, specifically by race in the United States*
Ya no one gives a stuff if Africa still has slaves. besides they smell

there is no justification for this kind of behaviour regardless of who you are

the kid should have been punished and that's really all there is to it

discrimination is over? you were homeschooled, right?

I accidentally left a word out and managed a ninja edit. I meant legally, my fault. It's not a widespread issue compared to the population as a whole. Of course, it is still a thing for some people, like many of those against the Michael Brown and Eric Garner decisions.

racial inequality certainly still exists, but it's not really so much on a government level any more (aside from instances of unfavourable government officials and the like). within society and our culture, absolutely, and that's a problem that will hopefully be solved with time

Human Trafficking doesn't exist exclusively in the states.
what do you think the first link was about...
You're just pulling up the only relevant information that say: white people bad
I'm pulling up the relevant information that says: slavery is something that happens
but if you really want to interpret it as meaning white people are bad, go ahead

I support the idea behind the repaying African American communities. While historically they have contributed to a large portion of the modern infrastructure, the society is still built upon archaic rules that systematically hinder the Colored persons, and it is unfortunately in a large part due to the simple reluctance to see there is still a problem. We are closer to equality and I am not denying that, however the fight is far from over.

Here's a thought, if you want people to stop complaining about being discriminated against sooner, help by joining the movement to end discrimination.

people/school systems that are like this are loving idiotic

That silly "alllivesmatter" crap is very redundant. We know all lives matter, it is however only Black lives that are continuously put in jeopordy due to societal opinion and interaction.

One brown townogy I liked refered to it as people who go to a cancer rally and begin shouting at all the joggers saying there are other diseases too and those should be represented at this unrelated event.

And this is pretty much all of history class ever in America. The extreme oversight of Black cultural and societal significance in the education system is one of the main reasons behind sponsoring Black history month.

And this is pretty much all of history class ever in America. The extreme oversight of Black cultural and societal significance in the education system is one of the main reasons behind sponsoring Black history month.

i know

i know

You're demanding attention because you're white. Quit pulling the race card and focus on black people.

Got it?

Jesus I'm sorry dON'T LYNCH ME