
UNITED NATIONS: Return former-US territory to the USA.


Author Topic: Nonnel's Nation RP: Earth 2077 - [AMERICA, THE BEAUTIFUL!]  (Read 276895 times)

who votes no to reprimanding a country that used nuclear weapons as a scorched earth tactic against innocent civilians


I have to agree with this one, using nuclear weapons in scorched earth is despicable.

I have to agree with this one, using nuclear weapons in scorched earth is despicable.

Saudi is still pretty wealthy from all the oil and solar and already accumulated wealth and assets

it was never abandoned, believe it or not there is more than one city in the entire peninsula. abandoned by me maybe, because I was fed up with the thread. I got interested again after I let my temper blow over

i wonder how long you will grasp at straws

I have to agree with this one, using nuclear weapons in scorched earth is despicable.

I voted no because like six people are already invading Prussia. Seems redundant to invade him again or denounce him. embargo or denounce or whatever on your own as you see fit, forcing the world to do it just seems silly

emuland requests that the uk become emuland

No one is invading them...?
Uh, taking back occupied France, sure.

Vietnam moves a naval fleet to near the waters of California.

un reprimand means little to a non-un nation. military reprimand also means little when you're already fighting him. what do you hope to accomplish with the vote? again it just seems redundant

I mean it was pretty evil and deserves a denouncement from most sensible nations, but it doesn't really deserve a un vote.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2015, 07:04:31 PM by CypherX »

emuland requests that the uk become emuland
the uk requests that emuland becomes emuland.

No one is invading them...?
Uh, taking back occupied France, sure.
SSA is invading them.

Also, that was unacceptable. If you want to do a Dead Hand esque thing, sure, but this is ridiculous.

the uk requests that emuland becomes emuland.
war declared

a limited production combat space patrol vessel of sorts is being built as a part of the Gen3 line since modified freighters were not inherently designed to do combat with hostile vessels, despite having a fairly large complement of fighters and exoframes.

The NSSR begins isolating genes found in people with the following traits, but not other citizens:
  • High IQ
  • Low risk of diabetes, obesity, cancer
  • Formidable immune system
  • Increased ability to gain muscle mass with low effort
  • big boobs and richards look it wasn't me, it was a request from the scientists
We request assistance from Great China and Canada, as well as other GSTO members.

The NSSR begins isolating genes


We request assistance from Great China.


The NSSR begins isolating genes found in people with the following traits, but not other citizens:
  • High IQ
  • Low risk of diabetes, obesity, cancer
  • Formidable immune system
  • Increased ability to gain muscle mass with low effort
  • big boobs and richards look it wasn't me, it was a request from the scientists
We request assistance from Great China and Canada, as well as other GSTO members.

ye sure