Author Topic: Pass or Fail - Chapter 2: Die Führer, Die!  (Read 16379 times)

I'd rather wait a week, someone else could ruin what you had in mind.

Oh and another thing, if I get the chance, would you guys like some form of graphics or something for the actions posts, etc?

I'd rather have more updates, but if that doesn't get in the way of it, that'd be amazing.

I'd rather have more updates, but if that doesn't get in the way of it, that'd be amazing.

they don't have to be good graphics

I'm back, and with some graphics!

ButlerBlockhead125: Rolls a 35: You attempt to sneak around and find something about the secret plans. But sadly find nothing.
Legodude: Rolls a 33: You rattle your cuffs, but nothing happens.
GI: Rolls a 29: You get subdued in your attempt to free the others.
Juncoph: Rolls a 27: You try to magically change your dice roll, instead you stress your mind too hard and stun yourself (lose a turn).
Resonte: Rolls a 13: You go down the elevator, but the emergency hatch is blocked when you try to get out before the third floor. When you reach the third floor you are held up by two SS officers who yell at you to surrender.
Cheezballer: Rolls a 77: You spot out several key points in the building, such as a radio tower, barracks and an officers dorm from the tower and call them out on the radio to your squad mates.
Rigel: Rolls a 80: You break the cuffs, the national socialists panic and try to shoot you and you kill the national socialists around you with their own panic fire. Noice!
Cybertails: Rolls a 92! You pick up a nearby machine gun and gun every national socialist down in the room, a la brutal doom style, making them explode into bloody mess.
Superstarxalien169: Rolls a 41: You attempt to revive Lego Lad via CPR, but fail.
Tumbleweed: Rolls a 69: You go up the tower, superstar gives you a rifle and lets you up top.
Final Walrus: Rolls a 42: You fail to go into stealth.
Zoltan: Rolls a 36: You fail to push GI out of the way, as you are left in the dust before he is subdued.
tber: Rolls a 10: You are pushed down  by an SS officer rounding the corner, he attempts to shoot at you, getting you in the legs. Your legs are crippled in the process.
hodot: Rolls a 82: You attract a guard with your incessant crying. When he gets close, you stab him straight where the sun don't shine with your long knife.

Current Player Statuses

hodototman (Final Walrus) - Alive
Legodude77 - Alive, in custody
The GI of MA - Alive, in custody
The Resonte! - Alive
tber123 - Alive, legs crippled
Tumbleweed - Alive
hodot - Alive, has bits of testes on his knife
Cybertails 1998 - Alive, enraged
Biohazard - Alive
Zoltan - Alive
Lego Lad - Dead
Rigel - Alive
Superstarxalien169 - Alive
ButlerBlockhead125 - Alive
Cheezballer - Alive

the adventure continues
break out again using my knowledge from last time

still try to revive lego lad into a dinosaur

the adventure continues

go into bullet time and steal any weapons, items, radios or access cards the SS officers may have on them
« Last Edit: April 05, 2015, 09:50:29 PM by The Resonte! »


Attempt to get to the radio tower and climb up it.

Attempt to kick chaingun the SS in the groin and render him infertile
« Last Edit: April 06, 2015, 02:18:38 AM by tber123 »

Continue sneaking my way into the armory, after picking up an SMG from a dead national socialist.

GI: Rolls a 51: You break free, but accidentally leave your rifle back where you were.
Superstarxalien169: Rolls a 23: You are shot down by an SS officer from behind. He gets you twice in your left arm.
Resonte: Rolls a 81: Time slows down around you, allowing you to easily and fluidly pickpocket some patrolling SS officers and soldiers.
Legodude: Rolls a 84: You break the cuffs off, shoot the guards holding you and run off.
Cheezballer: Rolls a 96: You get down from the tower, gun down a few national socialists in your way and break into the radio tower. You shoot two SS officers and keep the radio operator alive, who surrenders.
tber: Rolls a 11: You shoot yourself in the foot multiple times as you fumble with the gun.
Rigel: Rolls a 31: You reach the armory, but the door is locked.

Current Player Statuses

hodototman (Final Walrus) - Alive
Legodude77 - Alive, in custody
The GI of MA - Alive, in custody
The Resonte! - Alive
tber123 - Alive, legs and foot crippled
Tumbleweed - Alive
hodot - Alive, has bits of testes on his knife
Cybertails 1998 - Alive, enraged
Biohazard - Alive
Zoltan - Alive
Lego Lad - Dead
Rigel - Alive
Superstarxalien169 - Alive, left arm wounded
ButlerBlockhead125 - Alive
Cheezballer - Alive
Juncoph - Alive