Author Topic: Detailed: Kimon derails thread to argue, goes ballistic and embarasses himself  (Read 24623 times)

has anyone ever took kimons side in an argument on this forum


i'm not really even sure why he was arguing
like, the guy who drew some background pixel art on the first game made a joke and now his word takes precedence over the people who literally made the character? sometime kimon actually has a point and there are two sides to the argument, but he was literally objectively wrong. i dont get it

just because people dont seem to be understanding kimons argument
the point kimon is trying to make is that according to that one game manual, samus' "preferred pronouns" are she, and identifies and looks as a female, has had an operation changing the organs on the body to reflect that of a female but was born biologically male which is not all that farfetched considering the level of technology, they could have even possibly changed bone structure to reflect that of a female
this would mean that gender displays as female, love displays as female, etc, but dna wise is not female, I'm pretty sure that much can't change

someone would have to, canonically, do a dna test on samus which i dont think has been done
if you disagree, cool, it's not worth arguing over anyways.

i was going to post this in the thread but kimon locked it like a pansy

sometime kimon actually has a point and there are two sides to the argument, but he was literally objectively wrong. i dont get it

because kimon is never, and i mean never going to seriously admit that maybe it wasn't everyone else who was "stuffting on him for no reason", but that it was actually his fault all along. he's always completely convinced that he's correct and when he realizes that he isn't, he starts stuffposting.

then when everyone calls him out on that, he starts saying some nonsense about "wow is it forbidden to post images now??" as if he's the victim. i swear i can't deal with his stuff any longer, can he get himself banned already

someone would have to, canonically, do a dna test on samus which i dont think has been done
if you disagree, cool, it's not worth arguing over anyways.
there have been multiple "cool data screens" of Samus stating she is female

only a SJW would start that kind of a stupid topic in the first place
kimon needs to forget off back to tumblr or something

only a SJW would start that kind of a stupid topic in the first place
kimon needs to forget off back to tumblr or something
i cant believe youre a sjw shamer
i feel triggered

i wasnt aware that argument actually mattered that much to you guys, especially since it literally became ike saying "no" at the end, not to mention a whole lot of 'trans women arent real women' talk. i assumed it wasnt going anywhere, and frankly i didnt care anymore.
only a SJW would start that kind of a stupid topic in the first place
kimon needs to forget off back to tumblr or something
hey man i'd appreciate it if you, and everyone else, could stop makig mindless comments about me being a dumblrina sjw in every single thread i go into. its really obnoxious and unwarranted, so i'd appreciate it if you started communicating your problems like a normal human being.
i cant believe youre a sjw shamer
i feel triggered
this is exactly the kind of stuffty meme slang you guys keep rehashing that's getting real forgetin old!

Idea: people would stop bringing up tumblr sjw whateverisms if you stopped being them.

Idea: people would stop bringing up tumblr sjw whateverisms if you stopped being them.
weird theory man

Idea: people would stop bringing up tumblr sjw whateverisms if you stopped being them.
you could try bringing up actual reasons to be pissed at me rather than dismissive meme slang about the website i visit...
weird theory man

Idea: people would stop bringing up tumblr sjw whateverisms if you stopped being them.
to be fair, people do just throw out 'shuhdop tumble sjew ur dum' a lot more then it needs to be

it literally became ike saying "no" at the end

That's because you were objectively wrong and there was no point in arguing facts considering you were literally the only one still going with the whole "Samus is trans" idea

you could try bringing up actual reasons to be pissed at me rather than dismissive meme slang about the website i visit...

If you didn't fit the bill, nobody would call you it.