Author Topic: ·::Kishgal::· - An starfish with no heart.  (Read 12463 times)

everything this friend posts is just trying to cause stuff, he's just an annoyance that needs to go away.


If someone died that was close to you of loving course you wouldn't be over it in just an hour or two. Hell yeah I'd cry about it, because someone that was a big part of my life loving died. Especially if it kept getting brought up by people insulting me while saying how I'm supposed to cope with them being gone. The thought of never being able to replace him or her fully and probably forgetting it for a split second then remembering makes people emotional for quite some time.


He is one of only 2 people in my block list.

He is one of only 2 people in my block list.

did you replace his avatar with something horrible

did you replace his avatar with something horrible
Still looking for a suitable pony for him.

Those of you stating that grieving for 2 weeks is unhealthy: it's perfectly normal for someone who actually cared about the person.

Throughout my late middle-school / early-highschool, Thor was for all intents-and-purposes, the closest thing I had to a friend, and once I eventually started making friends in school, Thor still ended up being my best friend. We had made plans to share an apartment here in NC where I live, still have the shared google document and everything.

Taboo needs to get a grip. Zhar, you just need to stop being so edgy. If you felt no feelings of loss over your grandma and a "friend," then you either did not care for them, or you could potentially be medically diagnosed as psychotic.
Define: Psychosis -
a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality.

being so edgy.

I don't suffer from psychosis, I just know how to get the forget over my problems and issues.

Kishgal is an starfish in general

I don't suffer from psychosis, I just know how to get the forget over my problems and issues.
well good for loving you, sorry but people can be more emotional and care more about their close friend's or family's death than you.

I started moaning on the other topic:

a great member of our community died, yet some people create arguments.
kishgal and zharthon, get banned you heartless bastards.
I would also be as sad as this if one of my best friends suddenly passed away.
the fact that you're even attempting to create arguments is pathetic to start with.

I haven't even experienced a loss (except from when I was young) yet I understand how a person can miss that person for weeks.
Maybe people take death a little bit different, maybe only suffering for a few weeks, whilst some a few months, others are generally heartless (cough).
If (for whatever reason) you don't get upset about this, you don't have to barge in here saying 'yes I'm badman I don't cry after death', you could just disregard it.
I'm guessing none of these has actually experienced a death of someone close, but they'll eventually suffer from one.
it's completely normal to be heart-broken after deaths, and anyone who doesn't has something wrong with them.
heck, even I haven't experienced a death properly yet I still feel horrible about one of our great members of our community passing away.
you two just need to forget off and stop trying to be above everyone else whilst someone has actually died yet you barge in and try to be the best.
I hope someday both of you will be banned.

well good for loving you, sorry but people can be more emotional and care more about their close friend's or family's death than you.
no; i am the standard for all human beings. the way that i feel is the way that everyone else should feel as well. those who do not are simply lesser people than i

Those of you stating that grieving for 2 weeks is unhealthy: it's perfectly normal for someone who actually cared about the person.

Throughout my late middle-school / early-highschool, Thor was for all intents-and-purposes, the closest thing I had to a friend, and once I eventually started making friends in school, Thor still ended up being my best friend. We had made plans to share an apartment here in NC where I live, still have the shared google document and everything.

Taboo needs to get a grip. Zhar, you just need to stop being so edgy. If you felt no feelings of loss over your grandma and a "friend," then you either did not care for them, or you could potentially be medically diagnosed as psychotic.
Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding

Can always count on fox for top-tier satire when you'd least expect it
Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding
you didn't have to quote my entire post.

Can always count on fox for top-tier satire when you'd least expect ityou didn't have to quote my entire post.
I forgot to do snip sorry, but you made a great point.