Author Topic: The Young Avenger BLID:35722 Reason: Badmining then spamming when confronted  (Read 4515 times)

Duck, I don't need you in this, please stay out of it, this is my problem, not yours.
Do take the time to read the rules

I hate friendy host that has friends that are doing an awful job at administrating but keeps them anyway because they are "friends"
They do NOTHING to fix the issue they are causing and always asume they are right in every way.

jesus stop bumping this please

If you have anger problems you really shouldn't be an admin

the young avenger has more cancer than cca

This guy is an idiot .-. btw don't ever join rp servers... especially fnaf rps!

This guy is an idiot .-. btw don't ever join rp servers... especially fnaf rps!
please get out of the drama board

the young avenger has more cancer than cca
When did I have cancer? I wouldn't even be here.

That's very nice, bitch. C:
Its very bad that you are on blockland making blockland worse.
Go sit in the corner with GreenBH and trainman1

How in any way have I ruined Blockland? It was this one event where I went power hungry! Bestguy forgave me when I apologized for the misunderstanding I had with his personal business! So forget off!

How in any way have I ruined Blockland? It was this one event where I went power hungry! Bestguy forgave me when I apologized for the misunderstanding I had with his personal business! So forget off!
you can stop bumping your own topic and lowering your reputation now